~ MILKADDED ~:3Tôit 14%a Oâr.tins 19e Pou.nd Tin .8c Specials for Thutrsday5,,Friday, Saturday SABY STATmimmooth. Slavor Po aà u tButter' ai ~I jari15c t21/4 Oz. tin.s 7 6 oz. bot,.9Oc Home in Chicao BvrnY Oif -ut Streviski of Chicago, do-(- at home at .3918 B.vraii strect, Clhi- cayto FJuir wedding took plan'i jiunt4, in St. Joscph',s clîurch. Th1' bride -wore a whmite satin dre'ss ii yoke and sice-ves triimnmned in Chan:- :~lace anda ilac r,,r tulle The Surprise Hyi Tom Lockerbie StaiIiglit Waltz EfMyrnia Walt ors The Efanid the Fairy ety EiIy Gleasonl The Votrih. j~ Joan Lv The Bakf>rs ' Clk Nantey Miugn*eî Ra1-lph NKrami*r Silliday I t rnilng .. MVatvrs }Tdiîmg 'Patcie Lev Hiiliside Eu-,hoes .. Brry Bird Songs .. 3ry -Joan i Lv GdNight -rv ,Afdy 0vér B- Mfary S'chneit ing The- Y.llow IulttertlY f~< iait 'Marthia Moyur W~t'hn~îî'sSl)lg. Palenth cAf~ ~ta oai I d( I~ Iy . Adair - joain Kutten Grî(ifll"ther's ,MmnuetGr,- N aney.uen' 'March Militaire, S, hui,-rt FIli 111 ~f t 11 î 1111le14 - 'M i nt~S a M.st~~tl s ing. 1335 flestnut avenute, lias-,ne- cently hiad as lier house guest .\Miss Marv O'Connor of Qttaiva, 111.Thie two girls, whio are Kappa Kappa Gamima soiit sisters at North- western 'univest, 'nill leave. t is, week fon a teii-daxv visit as the gucests of Mrs. P. . Luitkii at .NIorthport of Howard Lakes, Minnesota. ~ALSoon lier trip she visitüd red and relative.s in M\inncapOh'- and at- tended 'the silver aniivc%ýrsa.rr\eun-imoi ,of hier class at the UnivcrsIt\ tof .M!innesota, hiel.d in connection ithI! commrencemient and aluvmifesiti . Over 200 people attendec tIiý nu- union which is the largesti uuîber evér to attend a 25th vecar rcuiIn i 7é