Home in. Gien Oak Aères A rcd iroof, sliotwiing ilrougl the. branchtes of thè inlany3 qreen trees that forin a -perfectý settig, adds . umiisial, distinction to this n;iczephoine Iow brin! buit for sale by the Mark* H. ColweII comav 558,Greeîi Bav road, Winc a 7hon ç;rh retaiing ýlthe'charii of t he tr aditional architecture, the homec is -mou!hy zdern iiil. construction aid desi. li.t t-'is located Jin Glen Oak- acres on Pleasant dven tie (midwav bawen Lake and Winnzet l'a avzenues). and about tivo blocks, wcst of Wagner road. The buse is buiît of, waylitc blocks, ~and will be painted white.' Thehollow. blocks are: filled witb sl 'ag; this corn- bined. witb tbe insulating paper on tbe. iriside of tbe wall and tbe rock. wool iii the ceiling, ivill mnake for complete anld efficient insulation. One enters the bouse througb a stair bal Nbicb opens into a large livipg extend to tbe floor and look out over the nicel.y wooded lots of Gien 'Onk acres. The wood-burning fireplace is ilocated in the East waIl of the living room, which with tbe .,ining rooni wbich opens into it will be finisbed jr wood. The balance of the rooin v.,111be ini a cheerful paper. On the first floor is a modern kitchen and utîlity room. Tbe kitchen mîil1 be equipped with %wood cabinets, sink and Nvill be issued by them as ýto quality, and w,%orkrnanship. The red roof is of asphait'shingles.. The lot is 50x32 feet and bas the advantage of a 33 foot easemenit. Bath lot and easement are beautifully wooded.. SThe company extended an inivitatio',i to the public to visit the building site. 8StartNewReidenveln Jackson Avenue, Glencoe A 'new two story frame residence, designed by Olseni and Urbain, arch- itects, 228 North LaSalle street, Chi- cago, is being built for \Villard Wheeler, at 575 Jackson avenue, Glýencoe, according to. a building per- mit issued the past week. The con- tracting firm* is C. A. Bearberg and Federally Insui Sol et y UP te Can. you off ord> to be without'- such a savings;plan as is off ered by your Local Sovings and Looeu ,wIeu 06-00 18 lDVOstelI Bach Month for .. . 5 years ............. 7years, 4months... 10 years .............. 13 yers, 3 inonthe... TOTAL PAI* 1H S 300 440 600 175 '00 1200 complete- insuilation, anld the effccent are UflCcked aitne nurse's nince. beating. systeîni mean low beating costs. During tbe school year 1937-38, 10,- Two-Car Garage 941 students returned to school On the first floor is also a lavatcry througb the nurse's office. In addi- off the hallway that leads iinto the, tion: to this, 22,557 students were two-car attached garage-also of con- taken care of in the nurse's office * crete block. for suc.b things as colds, headaches, Over.. the garage is a large attractive accidents, averaging 188 students per room vich woulcf make a grand. play- day, figures released this week re- room for the youtigsters of the bo'(usé- vealed. hiold, or a modiemi recreation rooini for tlë;rillpc1 A"À rf & aC on IC nppwaLane S1150 Wilmette Ave., Phone Wil. 449 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINCS ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETTE Ckarerd an.d Supemrisedader the Unitud States G.,.rmwu -, 11*roomir ci Ston Today ACCUMULATION TOTAL S327.13.