Baskets of yellow% gladioli, v.ases of gold-of-ophir roses, bowls of yellow and whîte, daisies and ferns transformed the Womnan's club into a venit- able garden and made a lovely setting for thegolden wedding_ celebration, Of Mr. and" Mrs. Frank Watts Bu'rpee, 129 Dupee plaýce., AtA8:30 oclock, Tuesday evenîng, june 21, relatives and f riends throng- ed to the club. to. pay their respect to this -couple, whô'in a littie church in New Brunswick, 1 Canada,, ex- changed their ,wedding', vows fifty years ago. .Several years later, Mr. Annual Piçnic Day E ach . summier Arden Shore designates one day for a pic- flic, a special occasion for ail friends when the camhpand, its guests are "on parade,." MIvon-. dayJuly 18, is the date f or this year's annual picnic, an event the. camp cordially invites al members of local commtittees and anyvone else. intereste(l ini it, to share. It is a day1 in 'the wooded acres on, the .lake- at Lake 'Bluff, xvhich speli Arden, Shore. Those w-vho go ta camp wviIl have a. program of niusic, and dramatics presented bv ail of its summier guests. from the grandinothers to the infants. Handicraft taught at Arden Shore will be exhibited for. spec- tators. IËhe' iiiïVbrown' cottagels and other buildings of the encamp- men~t wiIl be open for inspection, and out under the trees, i.f the weather is kind, hot .coffee will be. served te visitors, each of whomi is asked 'to bring ber own box luncheon. Arden Shore sends out àan urgent appeal for sweaters, shorts, and sox in fourteen- ta sixteen-year old sizes,; for boys of the Winiter camp who11 are toat2tepndthe Scout. canmp Successfully operating- the Burpee Can Sealer company with its model plant on Kildeer avenue, in Chicago, Mr. Burpee is also a member of the Chicago Rotary club and an active member of the. Wilmette Parish Methodist church. Burpebas been d with the various ý n ' f th actively 'definite place in the worthwbile if e of the village and, expressing the good wishes and congratulations of their mtany friends, Dr. Horace G... Smith, former pastor of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist churcb and now president of the Garrett Bib- lical institute, was a graceful master of ceremnonies on this happy oc- casion. H-er grauidniother's wcdding gozcn of ivorv silk and chiffon, and a rose- point veil that had bren 7Lori by her great grandmnother compose'd the bridai costume of Miss FideIia Richards, ,daughter of Mr. and IMrs. Marc us Rich- ards of Hubbr Woods, at her marriage June 18, to William Wlinston Roper, Jr., of Philadeiphia. They -will soon bc at home in that cl .foIlo- insi thelir wLeddl'ifnq tp to- Bermuiida. Nuis jean Pati Betty Anne Philiips to Wed Martin, Johnsons Jr. Ilettv -Anme Pbillips, ta Martin A. Jobnison, Jr., of. 633 Elniwood ave- nue, wvas annotunced at a tea given, vision chairman. .is entertaili- at ber Gepieva ivisioni of thie ýodist Woinin's d Lake is di- 3WILIME TTE L IF E auty elh .y evel