ana irEeIworxs aJcn1Wuieu day, and on Monday the met ý,.Nrt:. hShoe contr, -lub -tub Will have a: thirty-sixh Nort Shoe cuntr clus ôurnament. once again. are prepared, to step Skokb.i into the holiday limelight for- Many new and beautif ut effi the hundreds of members anid be presented at Skokie Cout:t their guests who will turn to fireworks display on the Fo te for their Fourth ofJ yJuly. The water hole will be themY to add to the effectiveniess and the many facetsof its cele- program. In advance of the bration. display, there will be a nut North Shore Oriental daylight novelties. Independence day witl start at At 4 o'clock, the first nine hý North Shore Country club with a be closed for children's evexi golf event for imen.ý During h f varied programt of sports and ternoon a water carniival arranged and beginning at 6 o'ctock, by Henry Howes of Evanston, will supper will be served. have children participants. and adults- twenty home ls B ridé oi 5 tuU v u ii uy1 at 9:30. taining on Wednesday, Juty 6, at 1-30 - ' ~ " 'en Sun- o'clock, at a dessert bridge for the n of the womnen of St. Francis Xavier p)arish. Miss Mary Ellen Boozer, oIe golf The members of the parish who live daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph on Chestnùt avenue, the specialty Boozer,- 530.. Ess9ex road,' Ken-. invited guestsfor the afternoon, but al iloth bs hoe amido .ects wiîî menieso h aihaeivtd honor, a matron of, honor, and ry ctub's Reservations mïay be made by callingy )urth of Mrs. Hoffmann, or Mrs. Frank Thale four bridesmiaids to attend her ý utilized of 710 Linden avenue., . wh.en she becomes the bride -of of the, Mrs. Oria Corns and Mirs. James John Wesley. Cullen,1 Jr.. sono veigReichmnann will be assisting hostesses. Mtr. and Mrs. John WesleyCl len, 1226 Ashland, avenue,, on los will Tuesday, July 19. LtMiss Margaret Boozer will be be itwith Buffet'Dinner sse' adofhnr n ern d games,1% 1.1..o itrs m d.>,,noa d ev g a buffet Last Saturday'evening Mr. and Mrs. as nfiatroný of liono r will bc Mrs. Charles S. Clarke, e526 Washingtoii George Hofmniesterof Glenview. The avenue, entertained' thirty guests at bridesmaids 'wilI be Miss Marjorie * buffet dit-mer and bridge and games at Read and Miss Dorothy Meaker 'of their home. For the Fourth of july Evanston, with whom the bride went week-end Mr. ,and Mrs'. Clarke witl be abroad hast summer, Miss Martha fi teguàk M. ad rs».' 4,S.'W?ér' of YAUin"g-'dn, Ill., an-d Mrs. igo, 115 Thomas of the Churchill hotet ini Chi- Joseph B. Swan, the former Miss :ertained cago, former residents of Wilmette, at Virginia Weber of Chicago. at, their their summer place at Lake Detavan, Mr. Cullen bas chosen bis brother, Wis. . Edward, as bis best man. The ushers will be Richard Cullen, brother of the bridegroom; David Boozer, brother of the bride; Thomas King of Ev- I Richard C. Str.o fer anston. Thomas Keelin of Chicago, and Shelly Vanzool of Chicago. 1 Friends of the vn11nz o e ha 1ve g Mr. and Mrs. joseph Swan ,re host and hostess at a picnic.. M4rs. Hofmie ter g ave a dessert idge party and china and crystal ower~ at her home a week ago esday, and Tuesday of this week rs. Alford Scott and Mrs. Donald acFadden of Evanston entertained a. dessert bridge an-d handker- ni others for ,boys clnt 'ages, with a 1 )e nd brige iast at a bu1tt aturday eve- WILMETITE LIFE 15 Sc dren' *after: potal of d revemlng, When