for iced coffe- 385C Le,3Oc nome' Tor i *** * cy E-. i'oye ur-ion, '* a à-- o wneh n 411119 'Ba useve want a lot of, good thlngs for à picnlc. W. have breakfast or as an app.flzwr befe them im abundance, et reasonable prices. Freuh m i s juicy. limes, large beef steak tomatoos, crisp fresh mas-l lettuce and cucumbers for salads, juicy apricots -and lovetjý red plums, are just a few -other suqggstions A SH A LO S tfo b. added. to the wonderfudl buys isitd b .'6lw en 7« ore aIllI Dfor$. I. ib. ceflo ji 9 Pototo Ch»p Waf.r-thin. fresh and deliciouuly Crisp -An -indispensable ,picntic item to serve with cold ;meats or ael manner of salads- ALASKA Sockeye Salmon. Red Alaske Sockeye means supe r ex-. cellence in salmon-Rich in vitamin contentý-Deticious as isà, orin salad- Colossal Ripe or luttermut Olives No picnic or holiday dinner siomr- plete without plenty of oliîves-Mere they are-Fat. black ones, oriavit- ing naturael ripe on&- _______________A E Fanicy pc ,vine-rip.ned, fitome- toes--Many whole ohé nes te ec i n- Ail realyto hoeat and serve- 7f@r $1 2% âsl5c IORANGES FOR. JUICE. For a .pick-up in the. morning or to add t. ail coId drins- 4La9 4 JUMBO SIZE ripened, sweet a s Sugr- CANTALOUPES. 2 for ILARGE 5121 LIMONS. and so good for lemonade or lemon-orangade- Vine- 25e Fuit of Juice. doL 29e MICHIGAN CELERY. ' 5 COOKUD PUCNIC HAMS. Threo criap, white stalks f9 bunch.-2E bun. 1C r..dy to ea-m4 t, 5-lb. averaje- for saIads, boit and'serve hot, or3 cook, slce and pickle- 3 un. 1 oc. ICE COLD lced, ready fo .serve- BOSTON F tîeads--The pe WATERMELONS. HaIf 39c Whole69c serving for a salad heaçis 19C ~FRY WO CRICURL 'Mlk-i. fender as butter-2 to 3-b. average- BEEF - VEAL and PORIC. Grouad s.asonmng. an egg and bae- Delitious s.rved hot or iliced. cold- Ail cooked,1.6 for lof-Add l.27e LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISIl. I roit or bake and garnish with ilceçi lemon-- lb. '1 SANANAS. Another perfect. picuic fri- S. Etra large IL 19C 3 ib. 17c deliçpus-o srve atone 2 lbs. WHOLE or HALF HAM. .with new peas--Slilo cold for sandwiches- FLORUDA RED SNAPPER. and served with Harvard bees- Shank *nd--Serve hot lb. 2 So good when baked 1$ JU-NE 3-, 1938 clw J RED 1