CIasIfeda4vewtIements wIvl be o fooadSUOiONm d lao Ted" - P. IL fo« couOUY P.M orWINNBTK$ Ta"Kmu IuwsIaY. 6P. IL for GLUNO NI TlPoo:Wilm~ett. au0 Wlamitka 8lm0(Wlnntka 1m afttoiP M) rene4300 or PARiTY ËTO TAKE MORTGAGFI 0F $4,940 on my 60-acre farm ln Des Plaines. Ili. It is crossed by 2 hlghways, Elgin Golf and Rand Rd.; 1 mile N. W. ofvillage. Ph. Palisade 1194 after 8p.m. 104 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE SPECIAL SUMMER HELP WE HAVE A COMPLETE LIST 0F doinestie belp Wth good references. 94 soITUAION WN-FML CLEANING, WASMING,- IRONING, stay with chlîdren evenings, cooklng or servlng. By the hour. Colored, ref- erences. Glencoe 73. 94LT7-ltp HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS care of children day or evenings. Or watch doctor's phone. Wlný- netatf3446. 9ILT'WItn+u ALSO 'iNG 95LT7-ltp GERMANî, 38:~ SINGLE, WISHES STRAI)Y POSITION - GARDEN- ING, DRIVING, HOUSEWORK, ETC. GOOD N. S. epfS. WINNETKA 2089., 95LT7-ltp GIRL, WHITE:* NEAT AN]A able, under 30, for coo »n oral hôusework4. Exper. Go qulred. Own rm., and' bath. GI White or Colore COOK AND.GENBRÂL Hi work. References reqglrecl NEW TRIER GRADUÂTE, EXP.. OPTET' Will Drive You to New York. C0MPEth goo June 2.5 to 28. Expenses. Wlnnetka 2745. ALL EMPLO 95LTN7-ltp 667 Vernon Ave. Odd jobs Around the House WANTED.E ' FAST AND RELIABLE., CALL JBE- ences to .work * týween 8:30 a. m. and 5, p. M. Glencoe .shon. Wlnnetkal CALL- MR. BAKI MAIDS-CO( COUPLES Reliable service for the 746 Elm St. better home.-A, COMP. WOMA~N WISHES W~ DAY. LDRY., SPRING1 WASH WALLS, ETc. PREP NERS. CARE FOR CHILDR BEST REFS. WINNETKA National College Desires care of chidren.1 or day. Best refs. Wilme TN7. Lsî orth