EvenigýF irewo rks Wifll ima'x NOr*Ii Evanston I lth Annuel' In- de .pendence Celebration rlhe, No rth Evanston Fourth of julv corporation will sponsor an In-' dependence day celebration for North Shore residents his ea S it bas donle fer the past 171 years. The celebration thisyearwiili be on Mon-- day. July 4» *Activities planned forthe day in- clude sports evenits in' the forenoon, followed in the afternoon by.a parade on Central streeL. Evanston. -Among. the participants wjll be, G.A.R. and other war veterans, the Evanston AmericanLeÉgn rutn and Bugle corps, boy and girl scout troops, a children's and comic unit and circus clowls. At Dyche Stadiumn The even ing program willl place at Dvche stadium. The wvill. he open at 7 p.m. and the wili start at 7 :30 p.m. Music,.C and animal acts will be follow( a color ful.display of fireworksi ,.îll include 'Snow White an( Loan, association of Wilmette nas de- clared a semi-annual dividend of 3V24 per cent. On« july 1 checks totaling more than $7,000 will go out to More than .400: holders of investment and savings shares. As an inidication of the value of the association to the local com- nlunity, it is noted that this consider-, able amount, representing earnings on ail types of shares, will largely remain at home, benefiting the butcher, the. baker, the grocerymnan anid other commercial concerns. C. E., Clifton, , secretary, :e x- plains that the progress made by the association, which bas'been 'on solid financial gr' 'ind from the begintiing. is undoubtedly due to the policy of to Speak. at Evening Garden Cluib July- 9 Alfred Carl Hottes, associate edit- or of "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine, a recognized authority on gardens, writer,- traveler, lecturer, and f ormerly prof essor of horticul< ture at Ohio State unjversity, wil» be presented to the North Shore pub- lic in a, lecture Saturday evening, ýJuly 9. under the auspices of the Eveninig-Garden club of Wilmnette of whbich Mrs., C. D. Ewer. k program chairmani Mr. Hottes'* latest ,book, '«00 Christmas Eacts 'and aàncies," is a departure f rom gardening, but he has also written "Little Book of Climb- inu Plants," "Book of Perennials," 'lP ýke 1I duction Wîfthin Two Y=m; District'Run on.Cash Basis A eut of about $150,000 in the 1938 tax levy of New Trier Township High school district was announced this week by the board of educat ion. This means a reduction of about 20 per cent in the high school tax- es to be collected next year. .The exact amount will be de- terùmined and the officiai actý-, tion taken by the board1 at its regular meeting in July. Tený- tative figures discussed at the board meeting this week are understobd to bé feâsôi4ably onorary scientific anizations. .Hotte s' lecture %-nswer to Out in the twQ Au- JewishWomen'sMeet !-NMrs. Claude Morris of Winnetka, ticket chairman of the symposium to be hield Mondayv afternoon at the Moraine hotel, Highland Park, un- der auspices of the American Jewish <'oncress. repolrts such an excellent 1 with Mrs. Lili was Mrs. i..elia queni iaxes. roi Indian Hill road, Winnetka. been a slow unt r. Chapin were his wife and Jam o f delinque er. The latter, aged 76, re- taxes at alI beir tbump on the head. in 1928. This fi ant H. G. Vance and Officers been two tax cg ;chneider and joseph Schmidt fiscal period. h drivers on recicless driving The fact that o~ nacah bhn C.E. iyear tn ctions iN