vention f6r 'Kappas who, leave june 30i for R&o Springs, Va.,'ý for the thirty-third bienniel. convention of Kappa, Kappa Gammra Womnen's fraternity to be held at The Homestead, one of the largest - of the. southern hot springs' meorts. The convention is the first in the South for' Xappa Kappa Gamma, one of. the oldest of womnen's frat- ernities. Founded fin -1870 by-six young womnen students at Monmiouth' .College, M4onmouth, Ill., Kappa now has chapters ini 72 colleges and uni- total mezubership of arôund 28,000. Mrnong prominent members are Dorothy Canfield Fisher, author; UcIlen Wills Moody, tepni4 ebampion, and Mary Kingsbury Slmldovitch, director of Greenwich House* and àithor. Nellie Lee Hoit Bok, Philadelphia. riglhat, ýid of imet ka. delegate fro-n the North Shore junior alliance of Delta Delta *Delta to the srrt' biennial. convention.- the Tri-Delta Convention this year which iWill, open on Friday, june 24, will.commemorate the Vif- tieth anniversary of the-, founding of the organization,. and is expected to' be a' gala event socially. MissNelson is a graduate of the Northwesterni universitv school of speech and is. gifted as a reacler and draniatist. She has been very active in the Junior auxiliary >of: the Glencoe Woman's Library club andl is inter- ested in radio, in which field* she lias been recently training. Also bound for the Boston con- vention froin the North Shore are the M i-m ee n-,,andAnnaqe Booz, 919 Forest avenue, Wilmette, who left a week ago to visit relatives in the East before going to the conven-' tion. Helen B3ooz is a member of the junior alliance, and when she returns in July will direct ail state rushing plans for the côminz fall season. Her sister, Annamarie, is still a memnber of the active chap,- ter of Tri-Delta, and was recentlv elected -president of Mortar board minion aay inl DC :appas, of the one h ànniversary of the Vnited States, of Phi Beta Kap- Mary college on features of the A real, southern and a Cotton bal cay, june Mo, Arthur J. Lin( Kenilworth.' as their guests and also the r Garden club. ore, Ji -S of iia and b: Helen. nae d, ýr, of Ch Icago. Its will be Mrs. Wesli fEvanston, presid( xate, fiss Bon Voyage Parties ýum- *r n ly 1W. Mran Mrs. LynnLly of Glen- t of coe had twelve guests at dinner Frn- )cia- day evening of last week in honor' of mnac MNr. and Mrs. Anan Raymond of ank Kenilworth, who are sailing June_30, summer WIL.METTE LUIE