Lonservatory oMusic, has been elected to act 'as delegate for that chapter. This sororÉitY gives its service to the Gàds Hill center by conducting a music school there, teaching piano, violin, and chorus. Mrs. Sherman has served on the board of governors for the school for three years and is in charge of Gads Hill day Monday at the Drake, at which tinie twenty- five of the littie foreign pupils of the school will be broughit to the Drake to demoristrate what Mu Phi E - silon is doing there.- The day is exépected to be a nice outing for the littie boys and .girls from the south- 120 Sheridan road, south, in Lake Forest., A.fine pogamlas.been se- lected, tbe second haif of which wil be ýdevote.dto duets. The artists are ail Chicagoans. Frances Glickman,> sop ranio, wil sing Mamma Morta from "Andrea Chenier" by Giordini; Jacob Loujis, the Flower Song from Bizet's "Car- men," Lillian Padorr, the Gavotte from "Mignon" by Thomas, and Ed-* ward Stock is to sing the Credo from Verdi's "Othello."p After the. intermission, the four wilI sing du ets, from "Cavelle ria Rusticana," Miss Glickman in the role of Santuzza, Padorr in that of Lola, Jacob as Triddu, and Stock as Alio. clvster, .goes ta fDel Monte,- Cal., as, a delepate from the active chapter as Northwestern university to the fortiet/ ameul, convention o>nng June 24. in jionor of Linda Sool.. Vigan Club Meefs charmnFor Migs Students Illinois students of home for the sumnier college, ys, will a to be frrnm the North Shore' Juntior al- liance of Delta Delta Delta to the sorority's bien niai convention wh ich cont'enes Friday of this z(eek. Pent Hous. Locale for an of have Moaibers of Bridai Party for Wedding in East :)n o linto be-held at the Drak Chicago next week. eA special feature of the cor programn will be a concerto ention prize- ton nave set juiy 15, as the date for their summer formai. This event is to be the. climax of mzzch funi which the members of each club bave en- joyed ail year. Co-chairmen for the party will be Francis McCall of Wilmette and Betty Johnson of lEvanston. WILMETTE LIPE t. I