The programi will be a musicale * given by Mrs.. Preston Burlingham of Winnetka, assisted by Mrs. Clar- ence Evans of -Evanston, her, accom- panist. The request is made that reserva- * tions be telephoned to Mrs. Rosalie Carl son, 460 Oakdale avenue, Glen- cofot later than, Saturday, june 25. Dnner for Classnates Miss jean Klerwin, 321 Leicester road. Ketnilworth,. gave -a dinner and lawn party Wedniesday of Ilast week for.">,àbout thirtv-o..'un raqat-. Let us help yoU,. with your selection. at prices that you Ilike to py.. Ail workgwiranteed. DeHaven Photo A summer swing session at Sko- kie Country club %vill bring tihe club year of the Junioro isiory of thse Wonan's Club of Winette to a îlose. Thse juniors will gather Saturday evening, June 25,;forthse Ilast ht ie u nl al.Mn, fltu in IT STARTS TEURSDAY. IN OUR.. EVANSTON, SIOP, Se lantern-.d4cked. trees. .S7#per u>il.l be served at 12:30 o'clock, l-ostess jto Club Mrs. Charles Broad recently ew tained the members of the Ros club, Decade 1, at her home in ' mette. The club. was much intereç At l. L@wst PrIces Ia Our ilisfory SLACIKS, SHO RTS, and SHIRTS $1.25 to $2.95 ENTIMI STOCK lu WMies *Blues * Iacks *Tant