by Monite formulas and specificgtions. Lades as well, .as gentlemen>w ill value this2careful servoe gives insured:moth,:protec tion to ail on to IV ite, it won't be1 before I'r n h bread uine!" WILMETTE 320.360 woolen garments.. Moths ciin'do untold harm to valuable garments and will dainage them unless th wy ar po$itively pro tected. But now you can be frce forever from moth. damage, merely by sending your wearing apparel to, Schultz & Nord-Village Cleaners for, dry cleaning. For at Schultz & Nord-Village Oleaners exclusively you can have the guaranteed moth-protection of You pay only the moderate prices you have always paid ait Schultz & Nord-eVillage Cleaners. Monite treatment is not -to you, but your clothes ar iniidually -insured through a famous under. writer lagainet all moth-damage for six months.' JU E,1.938