the sauie peTiôdof Iast year. a liait uMtàai 1Diie. w wi*thee .ami»tionm to rd-ywmr ai kd4 et mémol. Mmd. Anr. Hoe Ec... My*. Md. Fkxpffoof. Cooaetiug bail.. U go. AMncbve *modl ite. Paartet " Aut « UUa. i.aa.. kmL474s. New Ahfibn S pfety, mmour. "soenger Plagsh ip club planses of Amnerian Airloites, ýed uif h the neu'Iy developed. hYdromatic "featheri;ig" L>260OOOfor toast-to-coast service in and out of Chicago. Air oe the air Ste ansport in- Eff e ace of avia- ed by Drtant tech-'far ation Company Is a cess, Says an Officiai tive resuits ha ve been obtain- United Air lines in a neW type travel merchandisin~g program bas been conducted at Curtiss in Glenview the. Dast, two tern .r. ll p b.. . . WII--1gýIC The cost of purchasing and instail- Mainliners from the North Sh:ore, ing the new propellers on the t,6%,i- airport everv hour at a nominal engined, 12-ton Flagsbips, which charge per passenger, which enables comprse part of the largest fleet oij United to pây the out-of-pocket airliners in the world, will be, ap-' operating costs when 100 per cent prozimately S3t0O00, he said. capacity Iloads are maintained. First of the. newly equipped air- Under the supervision of United's liners wlIl go into operation on the; traffc department. fine fliiohts daily vuuuuccea uicth mn'-' ae. i .the 21, 1WmS. - 1If.