I*OUR PRICES ARE 9UOTED J i ON THE MARKETS lEST * NIW APPLS FOR RICHE* USS Ri NSO FOR REAL Pli CRUIT CRISCO . ... CHICREN and EGO NOMOES Cooked wlth eklcxen brotb. ileat ad eerve. le-oz. tn 3 & for $ic. Fln..........23 CHICKEN FRICASSE, Famlly style, 1-lb.-o. tin, rea4ly te lie&t smre. )aeh eau entains enough imitilons ileken lu frlmese crenu sautee l serve 8 to 4 79 persous. Can ..'ý..............79 * e é o e e e e e e * * e e *e e * e e t ooe .eoe BONELESS ROAST CHICKIEN (9.os. snd I8-o3. cans) * Consts et breast and 109 ineBt, l>Scked lu riel, seaaoned bitotb. Sultable asn buse for a varlety of lelletous ecien dlshes-lê4oz. Un, 9sic; 8os. tUs49 COTTAGE DINNIRý (Il-ou, glass). Olîleken aud. E Noodies.tomblned witli vegttable*s Iau eoolked lu ricI ehIcken broth-4A cois. plete meieula lu tielf. 3 jarosei; 3 jar ................... Lorgfe Site Pkls.2 for 3 Lb. Con 55e For Real Ee.soMY4 cans oxq 400 CU BEVERAGES 6f,47e (>lus Deposit> T he best -tagting fruit -flavored drinks t h e r eare. children and grown-ups nand them. Then 'for ixers" there's a complete ection. Order them by' case. TOW N CRIER FLOUR 12 o'. ki.rn. g..Y.RoDUnLit0 p ,*24.o.Cola. * Me,and more boa.mlursarte u.ing tlhis fie fleur recomenedd t. the.p by tAmis' Centrefla grocer. 24fb.ý but CINTRELLA MS5 A! * 0 1 8Sc 10.IIs. 55C J f or 3 7c I CALIFORNIA FINGER CARI *o-x 0Ne. 2 I dilimfeela 1 F....il I(!d .1111 * Fancy Large Tropical Beauties. Plump, firm and ripe. Delicious served with crisp Corn Flakes. otbing f6.r àb. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .-........... - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - IFor GENUINE CALVES SWEETIREiADS those vWho vaut the.best .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FDSH SPECIALS FOR PRIRA V phoneWllmen. 420 WILMTTBLIFEB Phone Wsu 420 JUN 23, 1938 J U5gte- Lëmon8tratti7U&in& 11 DIrWV