car owners wiI flot dr ive \Wit haut' *Commnodore Milton JFrieud of thýe Columbia Yacht. club, who.lives iz Wlm ette (f ront foregroittd), stands ait the right of Columbia's- co ,nodore o! la;t.year, Naàthailiel Ruitcmo'ueroî Ru<iyatJ& Bert uda rae *eitry. Jào, ý;e o o Body Is Recovered From Lake by Coast Guard A body identiied as that of Henry A. Olsen of Chicago, missing since June 4, was recovered by a crew frotn the Wilmette Coast Guard sta- tion from the beach near Washing- ton park, early Sunday morning. .At an inquest attended in Chicagoý on Monday by members of the Wil- mette police force and by the com- mnanding officer of the station, Chief Warrant Boatswain Robert Ander- son. a coroner's jury returned a ver- dict of suicide. 'Secretary Rides o'n Half.Year Licenses In order to cleàr up any misunder-. standing on the question of the haif year motor vehicle license fees, the secretary of state, Edward J. Hughes, in response to numerous inquiries, and applications for 50 per cent re- duction, explained that only thoge motorists who purchase cars after june 30, 1938, may procure their 1938 plates at haif the annual cost. "Many motorists," said Secretary Hnoehes. "are tinder the impression meet at the school each year for in-. tensive study' of world -peace and e conomic security as a practical. pos- sibility.,for the present century. * Fie.tSessiona The first session of the school '%vi1l run for five days starting June 26. A second youth session will be con- ducted from July 3 to 7. On July 7 a 10-day laboratory session will be opened, devoted flot only to an in- tensive study of the Baha'i belief, but to the theory and practice of carrying their message 'toý the wvorld. A general session wilI be given i August. Two other Baha'i summner.schiools... are located at Eliot, Me., and Geyser- ville, Calif. fluring the several' sessions,~ courses ýo wor-Id peace. viii be accompailied amarie Mattooin. -Mary