JUICE TOMATO JUICE 2c 3j0~4IOMINY..... C i ET*00 C AN rOMAToôES *IONA N. WHITE I1OUSE MILK 10 CANs .59C SUPR SAKI SODA CRACKERS ADP 4 25cê *PIogeor Corovea Heurs Members of thei pioncer caravan wzith their Conestoga wüagon and,3'oke of oxen approachng Daiîville, recently, for their firsit of 43 appe ranes i j Illiptois cities. Thé aid wagon aeid "modemo pioneers" »zovte through sweet scepited fields of. clover (thec oxen Ioved if) as their fore fathers did' 150 years, ago. The3' are the Northwest Territory sesquicentennial group which pre- sents, the pageant "Freedomn on the la rch,»" each e .etng. They zvll appear at Dyclie stadiin. Evanstoii. Prýiday. evOning, July I. at 8 o'clock,' under flic auspices of the Evzanso isto icaocey Photo by Sýeavey and'ripEl Three ( tedand no losses are ini a tic for first ted wt lece plewot ieldoE.aso, il eaguehe ltwoodofiteRoeratston, will be ed ithe e f11eR1,rtPan% gue next Xortheast park game. at 10 :30 The first round of play will be comple Ad July 10. club w iii tte eiitry, MNargaret jo*hnston, daughter of tte. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Johnston, Ericksons 1320, Greenwood avenue, left Tues- r-Schmitt ilavfonr a-short visit to Evansville ntoll to -.- -I - DOZ. SIJLTANA 'TUNA FISH .....................2 cens 2ri R ED RASPIERRIES I FRIDAY ONLY' e e I LeII.BAG2 I WHITE 3 mmý