ti.W eau 87 RKAI. lt*TATK L.OANB FEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS ON NORTH SH-ORE -HOMES.* Borrow up to 60% of value. Con-ven- lentmonhlyrepayment plan over 5 to 15 years. Dleal with a local Institution.ý "Pull details by inquiry at. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION.I' 0F WILMETTE Mr. Clitton,, Secretary 1155 Wilmnette Avertue Wilmette 1623 8,7LTN'.35-tfc REAL EFSTATE L'IOANS WE: ARE. IN THE MARKET FOR First M.%ortgage loans on North Shore prope rty. Interest 41/2% to 5%. Joseph C. Cormnack & Co. 1569 Sherman, Evanston Uni. 3353 87LTN~6-tfc F.H.A. LOANS NEGOTIATED. I>cuFyour loan problem with us. We iiave helped others. Kroll & Smnith. Wilnette 500 87LTN5-4tp or 4 -SITUATION WANIED-P EMALÈE SITUATIOlN WANTED BY A WOMAN in a family where she can work for small wages and In a good home. Kenli- worth or Winnetka preterred. Write ,A-18, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 94LTN6-ltp) CAPABLE WOMAN, ,CHILD 2%, wouild like job, stay on place. Reas. wages. Also emùployed- husband home at 3 :30, wouid work for, rm. & bd. Ref. 1'i. 394.94LTNC-ltp COMPETENT SEAfflTRESS, REASON- A3LE CMARGES, REF!iIED. WILL, ALSO ,CARt FOR CHILDREN XVE S. Mrs. Sehottiander, Winnetka 278. 94T41tu COMPETE I~NTL COUP ±LES5 Swiss, age,36-35, refs., 3% yrs.' German, age 35-32, ret'fs., 4 % yrs. Swedish, age 40-35, es. 5 yrs, BoIiemian, age 3-6 retýs., .3 lyrs. Engllsh, age 39-35.,>rets., 2 rs.. Swedish, age 3'8-351, rets., 4 yrs. Colored, agre 31-30,. rets.,; 4% ers. Colored, age',40-38, rets., 3 yrs. ShorÉeine Emp Ageëncy 746 E"m St.,. Winnetka 30.12 WINNETrKA 1175-1176 FOR THE BETTER HELP- Couples, maids, cooks, nurises, :house-. men, butlers,. gardeners, Carlsonà's Emipi. Agcncy 818 ELM STREET dWINNETrKA 96LTN6-ltp EXPERIENCE C O L OR ED MAID, .wants. worlk, good cook; 8 years on north shore. $15 week. Also côlpred man wishes work as chauffeur, butler, or day work. 20 years on north shore. Good references. Cali Glencoe 1158. EXPERIUENC»» MAID FOR GENÉR- al %ousework. Washing sentout; Ironing'onily. l3eaut9ful mail' room,. private bath. $10. Cali Frid.ay.,Glencoe 1341. 97L6-litp COMP TNT WHITE HRELP WANT,ý ed wlth good ref. 'Apply th person. ALL E34PLOYMENT SERVICE 667 Vernon Ave., Glencoe 251 97LTN48-tfc JEXPERIruNCED WlîITE -GIRL FOR general housework - light laundryý. As- sist care of 3 yr. old boy. Beaut1fu1l own room., Wilmette 4833. 97LTNO-Ite WORKERS FOR TEA ROOM. EXi- perienced, prefered. Apply 8"10 pa.. San Pedro Tea Room, 918 1Spanlahý Ct., Wilniette. 9LN-t MAID FOR GEER LiHOUSEWORK and cooking. One child, two adults. Own room and bath. $8. References re- quired. Winnetka 841. 97LTrN6-ltp enIUed maju. ±Refers. 1Ph. HOUVS EWORK, L, cleaning. Good coo White. Write A-7, Box Ili. CUPU±LES Rcliable service for thE Shorline Emipi. 746 Elm St. e better home. Agency. .94LTN6-1t>- CA1f and OR CLEAN ay. 9 hours, iShore roterE WE HAVE THÂe PLACES Chicago Suburbs LEE EMPL. AGENCY 1631 Benson Ave. Bot. Davis & Chure Winnetka 132 Davis 811 9 7LTN6-lt POSITIONS OPEN SH[URLINE EIPL. AdCY 746 Elmi St., Winnetka 899LT] 105 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILI FOR A hri 6 TMY~im i p day. Ba ~N-t -A .Dornestic Help ,-l ý 1,TN$-Itp