Speelals for Thuwaduy, Fridoy, and Saturday C GFFEE R! ! b c BAYSTUART Quality Coffee lb. 21c I ROLL Tf for 19c a 3 bars Dr. -4. Etistace -a vdô'n. hrad of the depariment of coeiparative r;ý- ligion of the Uie.ivof Chicago. flAMe ria Jcu'ish Con grcss. Paul Venekiasen. A cce pts Teaching Position in' West Paul N enekiasen, sonl of the Rev. In expiainiflg its Position, the league gives thie foliowing recasons: -1. Senate* Bill 6 pro'vides that the state superintendent shall act as, sec- retary of the board, the usual pro- cedure 'in other states, wh-iie House Bill 41 prov*des that hie'. shall be e.,ecitiïve secretary, which W o u I d niean 'the adviser of the.board and the member who would carry out the work of the, board,', a-nd7 WoUld mbean, that the state school board wouid be' -an adjunict of the state ýsuperinteid.- ent's office. -Also that its 'research, wouid be directed by the state su- perintendent, an elected. officiai. "2. Senate Bil.6 goes furthe'r than House Bill 41 in giving the state bioard the, power to ask'ail schooi boards in the state. to file budgets, anld to withhold state aid fromn anV district not doing so. -3. Sýntie Bill 6 providûs that the state board rnav set minim . um >tandards for ,a programn of educa- t ion.'* The league points out that Illinois is amiong the six remnaining state5 that do îlot have a statu board of I d% sherbots * . .5'h5oz. tin. Golden Batnt= nCreQni Style COREN 2 20--». tns 27C LUX SOAP 4 bars 25c M r. Ven ekiase n graduated 'rom the Liberal Arts departinelit -.of \orthwestern university with honors p in *june. 19,37. For the past yearj lielias been takiîn a graduate course in phySics. spe cjaliziing- in acoustics.. He Ueill receive his Nasesdeýree mette public sdîouls, fol1luýiîig the commn. encemient exercîses Friday eve- ing. The party is to be lheld at the gymnallýsiuîni of the Howvard school, it wvas announced. M rs. Theron Wýooison %vii She In charge of dancinig. Mrs. john Wilson and Mrs. William l'Jeinner. ' chiairman and co-chairman (4i the 1partv. ivill assist with. the games. Ail pupils of the eighth. grade -were ureIot attend. It was explained