Tuesday, Jun e 7. Daniel,M. Davis,, director ofý 'physical education; states that out of the 60W or 'more, entr~ants seven pupils. covered themselves' with glory by winning first place in each event they entered. They were: Delores Malm-' quist, Howard; Dorotby Baron, Howa;rd; Mary. Lamb, Stolp; Lor- retta.Scbleier, Howard; Dick Allen, Howard; Russel Breen, Stolp, and Edward Lake of 'Stolp. The officiais for -the day were: Daniel M. Davis, referee.and trtr J. R. Harper, V. L. Replogler, L. P. Todd,> L. F. Bal, George Savage, Everett'Saunders, J osepb S acco, and Vernon Waite timers and judges; Gen.'-Gathercoal, -Claudia .lEckert, Gertrude Fanckboner', lerks; Flor- ence Wagner and Grace Smiith, awarders; H. T. Jenkins, scorer; Frank Stordeur, announcer. *A comuittee of uiotbers of the Central-Laurel PTA sold refresb- ments during the meet to belp de- fray the cost of field day medals and other expenses. Junior Honore The junior roorn honors went to Miss Kurz, second grade; Mrs. Joyce, third grade; Miss Oltboff, fourtb grade, Miss 'Hardick, fiftb the mnaximum oft- 15 points n i he(las, running broad jump and basebail tbrow. Betty Hermansen, Barbara Petersen, Fay- White, Marilyn Jersie, Shirley D>oolittie, Lois Hale, -Eleajnor .RataJczyk, l3etty Steffen~s, Mary Lou Thorsen, Jean Brady, Jahra Hassan. Mary jane Hens, Audrey. Hoesch, Dorothy Johns, Shirley Johnson, Leo;a Lipsch, Mary MeWsa Marilyn Wells, Marilyn. Patilens, Jean Mozley, Mar- g aret Farrali, Lorraine Speredes, ElaIne Brandt, Dorothy Butier. Virginie Cerney, Joan Figueira, Kath- erine Van Inwagen, Dorothy Baron, Margaret Brenchlei, Rogemary Hall- dorsen, Patay Symlons, lorence Janaes, 'Patricla Carlin, Bettyr Lou Wolfe,, Peggy> Ebbert. Jean Borgeâon, Eleanor :Carlson, Gloria Dushamn, Virginlat Ives, Dolores Malmqcuist, LaVerne- Richards, Nannett Herbuveaux. Marjorie Mortensen, Shir- ley Palmer, Marjorie Specht, Jean Irlplett, flettv Ridge Runners Beat Owls in First Gameë ,The ' junior softball league of the Wilmette playground> and receration board started in:earnest Tuesday nigbt of last weekc. The Ridge RUnners start'ed out on top by defeating the. Owls, 19 to 10.' With 26 bhits to. their credit, along witb tbe1 home run bit by. Wally Scbuette kept the game on' ice -for tbe Ridge boys. Tbe Owls made .15, bits to score their 10 runs. Tbe Dusters beat Mike's Inn, 25 to' 17, Makcing 32 bits t o Mik-es boys 30 hlits, the .Dusters made their bits count to better 4dvantage. Dick Hoag and Joe Jacobsen of the' Dusters had, a perfect day at bat witb five bits for AT FIELD- DA Y Duncan, Doro- Shearon, Lor- Elartman,. Mari- Miller, Sammy Monday, june 20, according, to Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation. The playgounds, will be open daily'f rom 9 a.m. ýuntil 12 noon andf rom 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sunhday-. An, extensive program bas been ar- ranged and, will include mnany types of handicraft, l eatbercraft,ý dramatics, story telling, parades, poster making,. picnics, volléyball, b ýorsesboes,, sof t- bail, basket making, poster making, beaci work, croqluet, dcay modeling, and raffia novelties. The program wiIl also feature -many special events inicluding trips to, the Cubs', bal Park;, Brookfield zoo, and forest preserves>. The village-wide events this year willbe: pet show, Poster contest, track meet, tennis tournament, and ping pong tourna- ment .Story telling for the younger cddt- dren will be an every day feature at the piaygrounds.' SoftWand uJKickbaII The playground softball and kick- bail leagues wiil be conductedas fol- iows: boys' and girls seniors, play- ground league Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.; junior girls kickball and junior boys softball Thursday at 10:30 a.m. jB-Stolp; third-2C-Stolp. Th~e winners of otber event as folow: 40-Tard flash Second grade girls: 1,' Elsie aylor; 2, Mary Davidson; .3. Jane B2 Joan 1 Scott. 2, 2, 1, Eunice Simons; ams; 3, Kay Doney. 1, Robert Craig; 3. BfilWayt K. of C. Team Victor in Season's Opener The K. of C. softball team, rnes up in the playground and recreation board softball league last year, start- .d out tbe season this year witb . a 31 323 5 Ken 1 Lm.mb3 3, cjty,> Kas.