&FISHINO Now eaSily accesuibIei the mar- vetous Ilake regionof the wilderness oft1hi land. Joseph Nraecy Kregèr aftlep, ma at the v.orth. y; ioz effor lmpi Miss Victor's showing in important horst shows of- the past indicates, that she is certain-to figure pronii- nently in the award fprizes'for the bigevenit over the coming week-end. Many of hier friends, from the nortli Shore suburbsT will be on hand to cheer hier from the boxes. Numerous social events and',-spe- Icial features ivili add 'to the gayety Iof the, occasion. Vo-r instance theré will hie a "sp)lash" p arty, for> junior exhibitors, a cocktail tea for, senior contenders, the aninual* horse show hall, and much entertaining inprivate homres. Areal niovelty. of a sensational nia- ture ~villbh the importation o i modern Sir Galahads for the' firs.t Tourniey contest ever seen in this area. It dates .hack to the days of the Crusades, and lias been a reguilar àiiualéeit siii-êè thc 4ays of Jamies' ~.~ Madison ini Virginiia, whenice the .~skilléd "kiiglits" on liorseback are mnakiiig the trip for their competi- Wilson Plioto tion. Then, too, there will bc a juve- glaules at the ile polo game between teams of boys- 1Peterson and and girls who eau give miauy of their 141f, Charles eiders pointers on. how polo should. laiîds like this be played. These will bc staged be- class. tween, performances, whichi are to -. start at 10 A. M. anid 2 P. M.L on both days of the horse show Saturday and( Lare. and small-mouth blak bss. 'Gertrude Le WaIIeyes, plentiful and huge., For à ory. avenue wi reat thriII1.took à nortbern pike on à a piano recital flyaisuris o fm. Karaskn1 an's club, C flyaf unrse n fmed' Kiraskons.Tenth street, If i. reporfed from Toronto, that. at 8 o'clock. muskellunge may b. takenJune 1.5th to the public. this year instead of Juty tsf. Wall- Littie Pirate Robi ileaf avenue and lav :t Mondayi evei g col recita:l wilIl be open 1 eprogramfolos:Nc 1--clmi nwillstant tinue mail August Villiam Peterson, rthwesterlu's departi a, memiber Lment of ohi ili_ Trce New Trier Higli schooi stu- 'ugh dent-,, Miss Lois Mitchell of Wli- sses mette, pianist ; Miss Virginia von mnei Ebers of Xilmette, soprano, and and Miss Louise Yates, soprano, gave *a Sunday evening musicale June 12. ai Of the North Shore hotel inii Evanstoi.- IYs - Mi1ss Mitchell played several num- the bers -and accornpanied the soloists. oach Miss Mitchell was one of three Nt\ mm~m mmml I ~ mmm ml La mons cou astudent at, La imolis colli