rblossom fQrtl' k developint Sout- cago.- land is assured. 0f necessity the plans cannot be brought to a conclsion hurriedly. -Tinie is réquired. for the, growth of treesj ,grass, shrubs and flowers, and.. only, tine: can complete the job. I. k ~ the amphitheater more deepli v nto, ifs setting. From any seat in te amiphifhtea- fer one sees a broad ei panise of iazen. f-Io vbyWiiette's beacéh; apd final- Iv cnding. in the broad'exýanise ol .Lakc M.1ichigani, a vista worthy of note. The amphitheater lias aa i*al cý~ itv of 3,000. a mixea plantung of evergreens, jun<qv,riig crabs ana nau bloom jin later, years, these should present a strikibig con waters of Lake Michigan. The basebail diamnond. is ver pletion and is expected to be open. for use by the general thtis coining week. This present.t a marked im-provemzedi surface previously present in this area. sometime Thne plating is enti e sloping floweriizq crabs jinvariety, 7vifh a largqe assortmnent oj pims. 1groups-Boy Scouts, Id meetings zvith some . ounil Nooks arc now 'I hazvthornes, su mac, e in fui'» arc' bordered fl<JUIV* -J