r.Peyrautl's friends an opportunity to see his.latest' pictures, .%,hich w~il 1;e on exhibit. H. R. Mathias and-Allei Philbrick.of Winniietk-a head the banig- ing comùmittee. Winnetluws Are Hostse Mrfs. Jasper King, president of the North Shore 1A rt, league,, will'be, one of the hostesses, and two.other Winnet- kans, Mrs. John Vennemra Âand Mrs. Charles Xachs, will assist. Harp niù'sic wil be played during the reception by Mary 'Alan Hokanson of Evanston, who studied last year at Salzburg.. The receptiont is being given to honor the artist's achievementàs over his long span of life. Mr. Peyraud has just celebrated his eightieth birthday. -c Nvas born ini the city of Bulle.. Canîton, F'riburg, Switzerià'nd, of Siss-1erench parents, He spent bis childhood suni- mers in the Alpine countryside, there acquiring bis, love of nature which bas growi with the years and which is re- flected ini his paintings. After priniary school work at hi- home town, lie attended a German- Swiss school in order to learn the Ger- muan language. He toôk bis college. worki, i thé old University of, Friburg, ing served bis military terni as an arniy engineer. 11e worked for a tme as ai architect, but then embarked on his painting career, a career he loved aiiw in whichli e was to find success. John W. Tuf Given H-enry A. Gardner of Winnetka, Repubican New Trier Township coînmitteeman, has been appointed by CÇunjJJ , arma, dwaird ý, Mloore ta head the commeiittee of cleven wohich will have charge of the Republican «impaign ini Cook county for the November cectioil Mlr. Gardner was irst elected towunsh ip co;in miutcemiiiap.i 1936, anid was rc-elected iM 1938 wiihont opposition. Ili was president of tihe Chimaqo Bar associaition ini 1935.. .IANTZEN BVD MATLETEX SATIrN LASTEX -_ ( DRESSMAKER to $709S ( SHORTS, PLAY. CLOTHES SLACIKS' Girls' Cotton Dresses Avariety of styles. Sizes3 o 6-frm$.9 Aakleftes - 29e -399 - 59e CLEARANCE.o ï( BL OýUS ES. Sp.ecakva&.e s inprinen .d;u ( Summer blouses. M a n yi S'sSpecial Lmted $1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.....e. . IIIIIiIIIfl~iJ~I1IIrIIItIitlIlIII4IIIJIiIIIIILilIIIIIIiIflhII I Find: Most Anything You Want' and Espec>ally-for This Occasion entrai. Avenue *Money, Clips 'conivefll