'Here 've beenl going around telling .everybodY that FI'màa native so, of Michigan,"he complained, tand what happens? Ail of a :sudden Bergen is posing for a portrait of. us to hbe exhibited ini the .Swedish Hi&- torical Museum.". "Xw listen; Bergen'Il'he chided. "I w.iish yôu'd tell me about ýthree tigs. After ail I have my ances- tors. to think of., What 1 want to know is do I have 'to be, Swedish just because y ou are, o r amn I an Amner- ican? "WllCharlie," icon soled Bergen, "výou*re an American-but Swedish on1 Vour father's side. Will yôu sçttie for tliat"t?' Beal, Baà-rIa r a O'Neill: heading a large support- ing cast. The story pre- - s enrt s Robinson*? as a mild-man- nered professor of, law. On thei$ eve. of a year's leave of absence he discovers th at W.1endy Barrie vicioàs racketeers'. vents sweep him. into the post of special prose- cutor', and he becomes -a, dynamnic racket-buster. Alexander 1101, who directed, "1There's Always a Woman"~ for Co- ITCINICOLOIk 1Dim*d àlgN 11f odrundbrPOfd ATa of wo! w due t" baU4ilAr One otfthe newest cvening gowvva.s ini. the persônal wardrobe of Clau" dette Colbert, Paramnount star just T back f ront a European holiday, is a glamnorous white creation. The dres lias a heavy white crepe skirt which sweveps the floor with even Y tr: dstributed fullncss ail around. The cc bodlice is tightly fitted and solidiy Ci Jatte Wyman, who never minsses an important detail when assembling a costume, has founid jewelry with a Swedishi tang to wear witli ber peas- ant dress influenced by that country. The jewelry consists of necklace and ,bracelet1 made of carved reindeer hris. film capital to pay pai this seas< done in tI rest of ti they'll be diamond, dress or unique5 iozag or Carole Lombard FernandI Gravet at 7:30-10:40 sucil as d. Many ;braid . 1 porotIIy at 1