The Kenilworth and Edgèï- water Beach chapters of the Mary Crane league are joining to give a box luncheon supper party on, Saturday evcning, june 25,' at the homeè of Mrs. N. A., Schlagen, .535, Warwick road, Kenilwoirth., Each couple is to supply onie suv.> per, and the box luncheonls are tobe soid. After supper there wili be danc- ing and cards. Ail proceeds fiom this affair wili be turned over to the Summer Camp fund which is being raised to build a sun mer cottage for the chidreni of the ýMary Crane Nursery sehool at Hulli House. The cottage iili be erected next. summier. on the Bowan Country club grounds near \Waikegani. . Mr.Hcinry R. JTaecer, 8630 Kee1 er avenue, Niles Center, is entertain- mng these saine two chapters at a spring party june 24. Mrs. VanDervoort Gathany, presi- dent of the Mary Crane Nursery league, is calling a boardî meeting on Monday, Junie 13, at 1 o'clock. After a business session at lber home, she is taking the members to the Sheri- dan Shore Yacht club for luncheon Mrs. Oliver Milton Burton of Chicago, and* John. Washburn Wastcoat of .Chicago, son of Mr. and'Mrs. Washburn.Wast-, coat of.Boston, will Stili be en-, tertaining. for the young couple: after, they return f rom their wedding 1p Ail of the parties cannot be give n before, their wedding which will take place Saturday, afternoon aàt St,' Cihrysostom's churcli, so sonfie of the festivity wiil continue in a few weeks. Miss Burton, who made lier début at a, dance 'at Indian Hill clul) ini 1935, %vili again stand in- a re- ceiving line at the sanie place for lier weddinig reception. which is taking. place on the North Shore. where she ,sa wde cir4cl The entertaining preceding the wedding, this week, is the bridai diti- ner which Mr. and Mrs. Burton are giving Friday evening at the' Saddle and Cycle club, and a dinner dance at which Miss Julia Drake, the nad of honor, wiii be hostess Thrsday evening. Last Saturday evening friends of, the bridegroom entertained at a. pic- nic and sports sbo'wer for Mir. XVast-~ Hiouse on Saturc'ay night, Dcme 2. The commnittee ini charge of the event will be: Mrs. Leslie A. Drew, chairmnan, Mrs. IIarry M. Smith, co-chairman: Mrs. F. L. Orser, ticket chairman; Mrs. Robert Spaeth, game chairman; i4rs. B. Salisbury, sale; Mrs. H. S, Kingwill and Mrs. L. D. Mandeli, cigarettes; Mrs. Arthur Purneli, res- ervations; Mrs. Henry S. Cinginan, .have tii' ratnn 4!inpei ,natchng white picture haP of horse Isair braid were worn b3 Repnolds, daugliteîr of A1irs. F. J. Reynolds of G(encoe, foi-Ili nctka, ichen she *was marricd Friday afternoon, May 20, t Poîter of Evanston, son of Mir. and M1rs. J. W. Potier of The cereinony took place in the gardon of the Reynolds' lu followed b4 a reception. Af ter a motor trip to. Canada anid bride and bride groom u'ill return to Glencoc to iake theirj mette. Ahtoonia, Pu. ine and t'as the East, the home for thé at PulImer House Juno I18 The North Shore alumnae of Peliti Hall junior coliege at Chambersburg; Pa., wiil be the guests of the school's headmaster, Dr. F. S. Magili, at the annual luncheon to be held at thec Palmer House on Saturday, june 18, at 1 o'clock ini the afternoon. J une WILMNETTE LIFE