Motlis won. toucla woolen garment h lafter MoniteO-cleaning, Mïlli*cent Imag ine having your clothesàthro.ughly cleaned like' new in appearance -Uand having them mnade abso- lutely moth-prooif at the same time without extra cost! That is exavtly what you can depend upon wlien you send your clothes to Schultz & Nord-Village Cleanu ers.. Here exclusively you wilI receive the amazing of the ravages of moths. rance certificate (under ess that Loth A six r been foreclosed, Yes, was Monite-cleaned 1"9 WILMETTE 320-36W Y ou are alreauy timarim eLII Liyuliyu cleaning for which Schultz & Nord-Village Cleaners are known. For Monite Moth-proofing, not one cent isadded to the moderate price you pay. A be ' JUNE 9, 1938