Personal visiti tI. the. 5dool oenanged by .ppointm.ndt. Daguerre Photo college at Orchestra Hall thae zesifg of Jite l1.. Wth orcftest rai accomn- aniijiceit he will play the' "Ca rmen Fan tasy" 0f Sara sale.. Date Is Ghosen for clubs were particularly invited toat A nim] u A. lîIial hnW George fBrave,- head gardener o'n House. Evervone i welconie, it was* inemnbers of North Invites Those Parents; who want the best in 0aq ~a~puiqte inspect this camp and te becomeé acquainted with the' many' Iunusual facilities it offers. Canoeing - HorsemeashiM> Swimmfeg -A crobatics - LZandieras7 ludian.Lore- Nature Lore- Archery Target Sls.etig - Bodng STAFP-Adult Leaders-Ail Experienced Teohers One mile north of Wheeling, east of Milwaukee Avenuoe HuAty WoRrsl HART, Direçier 1541 S. St. Johns Avenue Highland Park 2122 gard A 4 14