a.nd, you are cordially invited to inspect our new model plant Try Our :Deliejoûs Dairy Produets We Shall Be Glad to Serve You' CMEAM CRIST PAItM% uc. 10000 SKOKIU BOULEVARD PHO*NE WILMUTU -3330 also, it was acded at, yesterday. BOOK AWARDS Each year Tri-ship club pregentsý books to aniy graduating senior.of New Trier, High school iWho bas comnpleted the four year course with a straigbt' "A" average, This rec- ognition of acadeinic achievemnent. was muade at, the Mondayi a ssemibly whien books were presented to Alice Heinsen and Clifford Goodman. WlNSBASEBALL. Kenniethl Kingery and Burton 'Off - ner, Newv Trier Highi school students. wvere .awarded officiai National league' basebaîls autographed by miembers of th e Cubs teami for seiling the miost tYckeis for the s'rijg ncerÔ~it t the~ highi scbool, it wvas revealed this week. This award wvas made' by the Tri-ship club. ART EXHIBIT An exhibit of stiudents " work f romn the art department of New Trier High school, will be on display iii the main. corridor of the school the even a lone run. The resuit w.as somnething' of a.-surprise, since Van Kirk's had sbowed brita.int abiiity ini the ýpast. However, the Flaningarn lads were keyed to just the proper pitcb' and made the most, of every opportuflitY. The: new champs finishied as senior, runners-up ini the reýtgular class scheduie. Tihey were. sc'hool, runiners-7 up last year. Van Kirks aggregat ion was senior, chiampioni during. the legîtiîma.te season. Memersof the, victorious Flan- ingami ýacvis ory team :1were:ý Robert Anhalt. .Alfùe 'd .Bunigee. 'Clarenlce Carlson. Robert'Fuessle, joseph Han- iienl, Ben H'obbs, Allati Kruieger,- Ger- aid Meyer, Edison Minchoif., Don Murray, john T. Schopen.' Williaul Shiepperd. Stanley Smnithi, Bill Snii 1Ynve \Irks'. HORSE SHOW High School Girls Hold Fourth Annual Allair at Crstwood Stables 1 On Saturday. the Girls' Athiletic as- sociation of Nev Trier Townishipl luI el UJUCVII llF1Ie L uS %, ç li ie art scholarship for next year. it as announced yesterday. Shie is a ew Trier High scbool student. TRACKMEN ,:I. Ripley, cnairman oi thie propertics commnittee, Pattv Harshaw, chairman of the poster conmittee, and Paula Stephenison, cairman of the mnoun t - ing coimiittee * Jeanne Dickerson con- tributed the design, on the firount ot the progra m PL - C It W i e K I -11C LU (1 M or'. owiiel* 1 , tuaents were