sma.shes occur su i nsurance. 1, URLE Gordon Mation, Charles Morrisofl, Jr., James Moyeri, John Palenske, Richard* Rudd, Bill Schmlick, Bill'Steitz, Robert> Steitz. John Voss, PA; Welge1l George Wes- cott, Bo'b Williams, Bob Wray, Mark Young, Lawrence Bollng, Bllly Fanckhoner, Wilbur H. Hopp, John F. Hopp>, Victor LaFave, Ken Manin. Edw. F. Pasco, Don Veno, Fred Ka- linka, E-dward Keller. James Mayol, Bradford Philllps, Wayne Stoerk. Thomas Baldwin, Jr., Jerome Harvey, Ray Holland, Edward Kolb, James Lederle, Kenneth Manley, Cloyd Mc- Guire, Jr., Andrew' Mueller, Da.vid urphy, Edward Murphy, Frank Roth- ing.. Robert Starrs. Kenlwrh ...Lucius Brlgham. George Burg, Roti- land Ileiser, Robert Llndberg, John Novascone, Kelth Vernon, Ray Wie8e, Robert Rigler, Sumner Sollitt. ey Katz,-Heber S nith, siý ordon Dingle, Wayne tt, Don Haase, Jim ýchuli, Henry Hochuli. ,t lIL ilber.t JTin. Greenwood avenue, Mrs. Korte's mother, Mrs. Riggs,-and the two :cbildren,. Caro land Lester, are going ta Deiafieid, W is., Thursday of this week to attend the graduation exercises at St. John's Military academy. Albert ICorte will graduate from the grammnar school. Next year. he returnis ta St. John's ta enter high schooi. Shortly after' comiig bot-ne from Delafild, the Korte' family plans to leave for Deer river, Minn. ta spend a month fishing and vaca- tioning. AlT COMMENCEMENT Mfr. and Mrs.' B. ýG., Callôwav of 920 Linden avenue are going to Ur- bana Saturday with their daughter- iii-iaw. Mrs. Cyrus Calloway of Chi- d the summer at Old 'Mý Ch. TOR TO GRAN VILLE d Nlrs, John A. Clements Anotiler exnibitor xrom v-v umettc in the alumni show is Miss Evelyn Youngquist who is nOw an artjst with the New .York agency of a Phila- deiphia display advertising conce ,rn Her exhibit includes, two large' dis- play jobs with the steps leading f rom the first idea: to the finish ed.- job-,.: Also there'are severai idea sketcheF for circula r and magazine us e, The exlhibitioni of alumni and;seu- dent work is open through June 10. from 9 to 51 o'clock. The public is in, vited free of -charge. GUIDE.LECTURE TOURS. ~African Animais" at- 3 p.mi. on Monday, June 13, is the subject of the first of next week's daily guide- lecture tours conducted b)y members of the staff at Field Museumi of Katural Historv. On other days ai andi zoologica' cxtiIs1;vveuesay "China and Tibet" ; and. Friday, 'tBirds of America." These tours are openi to ail museum visitors. Parties a ssemble inside the, north entrance. LOOT TOOL SHED, A. C. Kutz of Northbrook, ai) I I