has apoeared as soloist with.,the New York Philbarmonic orchestra. Tickets may be.obtained from the ticket, chafirman, Mrs. Claude Morris 'f 'Winnetka, . itî's, an*nnunced. or lirm er assistants- Mrs. 9. H. Good-. mani of Glencoe. Mrs. Maurice Bein . of Highland Park, andMrs,. Siat Kali-i of Wilmette. Mfrs. Artbu- Richland of lenicoe is the generat chairman. with Mrs. T-arry L. Canmann and Mrs. Charles E. S humtan of Highland Park as co- chairmen. The. committee, in' addi- tion to Mrs. Morris', are as follows:' Mfrs. N athan Raymer of Winnetka, finance chairman., and Mrs. Harris Perlsteili of CIi?ncoe: M.rs. Milton Krensky ofGlencoe, nrogram tchair-, eaucation. Ruth Campbell, De Paùw uliVersity. National College of .Education. Swlm- mng director at Camp FIre Girls' camnp -Camp Dllght. Peter Labros, Nqorthwestern Military and 'Naval academy. -Por years Wlth boys' and girls, play âchools as lnstruc - tor of swimniing, boxlng, athieties and handcraft. Harold G. Miller, Northwestern uni- versity Sehool 0of Nducation. Asilstant Couselors Irene Freund1, graduate Evanston Township Hlgh school. Second year wth Camp Shorewoiod. Mary' Earrett, Northwestern univer- sity. Former assistant Manian keeniey dance. sehool. Eleen- McD)onald, Northwestern uni- verslty School of Eucation. Florence Dingie: Sýnith college; North- western university.. Alice Thomas: Evranston Township Highschool. John Rtchulz -Rta n<ierft *nstuto<tt w roum :Cut fromn tender, Young, corn-fed porkers. I 25.' -to 3 lbs. average. Lb.22C RIB ROAST 0F SUEF TIhe finest of prime beef ; carefully selected: and, fullyaged.. Luscious,, tender, juicy. 6th & 7th Ribs Standing, lb.. RIBR OA8T OF SEEF. Boneless rolled. Ail selected cuts, lb..i 1938, FRYING ,CHICKENS Fresb ~ DryPicked 2y2- Is. avg. Lb. 35c Palace Quality -..24ibs. 699: MOCK VIIICKE-N LEGS. p'resh., Fresh Cut. 96 Park. elec Leonard C T sadore B Jacob Wir of decora Loewe an( the same v of Winnei inents. witl ciirman, 1 of Olencoe of Evanst of Glencee of sp)onsors, inciuciîng thie Me ,William Katz, Leoni Sager, Simon and Paulinme Suekoif. mnette: Herman Pelsenthal, Kahn. Max Kann, Lester Ko Joseplh Spiegel, and Aaron V4 ,of \Vinnetka; and M. H. 1lermani Black, Ira Block,. Bluimenthal, Percy Cowan, On F wood open flouse, for parents and c be a boxing exhil attended Can SI .Miss Shapker will greet the eCamp Shore- nion, and picir en. There wlI n by boys who wood last stum- ter dances will 3of the Borre~- FRESN FOSH jIA*IBWUT1