least- 1,000 paymients naa reaclied himn too, late, to be included in bis totals, and- therefoe had to be ttirned over to the county collector for distribution. Up to Tuesday eveéning he had distributed'a toitaàlof,$946,500 to var:- ous taxiig boies, and' other pay- nients are to, be,%made as rapidly..as bis books are audited. 0f, the. total collection of $1,351,- 217.019, $90M,41.11 were real estate taxes> both first. and second instail- neits,. and ' $447,e73.90 ini personal property taxes. First installment real. estate payments. totaled $675,-, 343.35, or 54.42 per cent; second in- statument, $227,959.76, or 18.381 per cent; p ersonial property, $447,873.90, or 45.53 per cent. in taxin )ution to the varic Dr. Preston Bradley, ,ninister of the faincd Peopl's church, Chica go, and a î(Idely ,kitoz(» author and lec- turer. wvill be opie of the. speakers ini the 25th annit'ersary series:of Neut Trier Sunday Evcnillg club pro- grain ll.rt season., is scheduled to appear auditorium on Novem- A. LaRoy, treasurer; Mrs. 1E. J.r Matot, recording secretary, and Miss: Lola Kurz, corresponding secretary, will be instaIled, by Mrs Guy M*. PeI- ton, assistant director of District 21. 1In order to makre this a purely so-, cial affair the- committee in chargYe has arranged for cards as the after- noon 's entertainrnent. Missionary Society to Hold Picnic on June 9, Mrs. Thomas Kerwin of 2007 WiI- mette avenue will entertain the Wom- an's Missionàary society of the Wil- mette Parish Methodist .church Thursday, June 9, at Il o'clock. This is to be a "Picnic Meeting," and members have been ask-ed to bring a box lun.cheon. This is the last nesses on tne agess1*voll These tax returnà should be .filed at the office of the New ýTrier Town- ship Assessor, which is Rkoom 108-A. New Trier High school, building, 38ýý Win~netka avenue,.Winnetka, 'on orX before June 20, 1938, which will. be the penalty date. .50% Penalty Loomis Apersonal property tax return' is requiired of each owner of personal property in New Trier township as of April 1, 1938. A tax return is re- quired even! though the taxpayer may nât have received a perso nal prop- erty tax bill for the year 1937. Failure to file a sWorn return necessitateS thie addition of the 50 per centstatu- tory penalty to the estimate. whiéh must be made. It is possible to make the assess- tend' St. worth, $îu,OWu; $3(),000; village WVinnetka park coe school disti netka school, Avoca school di ilworth sc>eol j Une , ponisor a . - ni 't It vics. f Weaon, 111. Mrs. Travis is a year the assessmer * nationhal offierof the Woman's Hom~e fl Aphe, s it sh Missionary society, and a well-known of the state thxes r to speaker. ramoetaoftetaxes rt Friday tax will be due on St. josepî"'s Boys Get Stranded in. Fo t. List M progrni oegjp nÉ Wilmette Lad ¶ ment paynts irom pi uILa t.. - -'- ný er sistrLceiavnlc, výý ioiid t h eus o h a '1mnmm ticne 4c utt ini the unincorporated portions of the ,vill be soprano soloist. HarryPe-ntf e.Ath eueto ui ar-mnmm tonsipan n ha prt.f leviwers andl Adam Bauer will also be ents, the boys were held until 8l:30. a pyrs.- located in 'New Trier, $23,721.78; sec- heard ini solos. te when Mrs. Works called for lhem. ondinsalniet, 7,21.0.A total of The concert is open t h public. She informed local police that theSt énsV it" ' $31,543.08 or 34 per cent of the total _________boys had left Friday to visit a boy extended aiouiit. LEGION CEREMONY namied Buzani, living on Illinoi~s road, Couneil's Sessions Ili Glencoe, the. first installml!t Ili connection with the -Memorial but evidently did flot locate bun. - F orty-eight members of civics and paynents. amounted to $147974.71 a xrie fte imteps oilogy classes at New Trier High second $42,511.35. Total fteAreia egoteofiil1 school spent the day at the city hal __V11- i-al~to h mrçne~n h fiiilTli!7 of Chicago on We dnesday of last f-f-%A .-v "l_ - nl.p 4.. thait oft d the w]