1937 ZEPHYR SEDAN 85O FORD TUDOR YOU CAN SAVE MAN $$ ONA CAR WUTH A GUARANTY WE ASSOLUTELY STAND DACIKIOPF A&CE MOTOR. SALES, INC20 AIITHORIZID FORD LIN COLN ZÉPHYR DEALER. 435 Green Roy Rod "W. Are Open Eveniqgs" WiUmette 535 - Greomoauf 0535 Tek.e advontoge of thse tIme..0 stop ouit l'a go.d '36 or '37 Car eH*Ighest quaIity Iaborafory-1esf.d oils. Mffradiv ýprie" Dependably-promplf Jeliveries.. *Cowfteous, reliabi. drivers. eScienfific check of your heating plat l o efficiency. improve w v 8 1 L 1 V 0 1 w- COAL - ICE - FUEL OIL- BUILDING MATEIAL Phones: WiIm.tfe 1300 - Winetka 3386 - Gloncoe 75 0 e