LII Loi>AlJ. v of the Rai ai lU] mlThe pérmnanency of, the Festival is dear ýto the hearts, of aIl North Shore andý Chicago music lovers, and with Mrs. Louis Eckstein's generbus sup- port iii donating the use of the park and the splendid response of the guarant ors and patrons (last season sb(owed an increase of 27 cent in attendance) , the Festival 'association looks forward to the 1938 season as v step in-the desired direction, The .> guarantee committee headed by Howell W. MurraY, which has labored to, such'good effect is nmade up of the fÔllowing residents of the North Shore; Kit Br' ..;D.. 'rn' A ckermannflPhoto a rnnior ut Neu' The -final event will take place ini Warren, Pa., on June 18. Students, of: the piano in ail stages af' development, from the one-year playeri to the artist pupil will bc judged for district, state, and na- tional honors. Twin objectives of the tournament are te .develop wider in- terest in artistic piano-playiiig and to give teachers and pupils a "yardsti ck9p by which to measure their achieve- ments. No prizes are ever ,given, M Stead said, but players. recelve district, state, and national HRonor, Roll certificates with significant ra t- ings based on accuracy, tone, touch phrasing, dynamicçs, pedalling, and style, as well as age and period of studlv AUl entrants, are registered period and.- the American conI ýy welcomed, always stressed So popular have tii littie coupon books every.patron of Ravi eral to avoid runnil the summer is , spe definitely ends on Ji Christmas shopper's the sales' force cry now, Season opens closes July 5.", Z IC 5.Like the shot e shot g the higli inI 'INar oners oi iva Af ter thi took charg' tprrise wuit service,LDr. 1- of the studenti heaclquarters iii This work côve' doorl tracik held at the SCftOOl. Dr. Couwad Hof mali ter a con'. tely be- sits be- nperson- le n a, O 4 .4 i ý 1