'TOMETRISTr nce.. Eyes 'fitted properiy. replaced, trame, repaired. PH, F. KUSS. Wlnnetka 3671 15A-L TN35-tfc Si SWLDINS AND BNEPAIR FLAGSTONES Also astone- for walls. rock gardena, etc. BRICK, CEMENT WORK. TUCK- pointing. Free expert advice and estimnates cheerfully.given. H. HARTWELL WINNETKA 2864 21LTN46-tfc JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND M-ASON CONTRACTOR Specializing - Waterprooflng Basenients ,114asuhington Ae. W eV zl CARL BENGSTON -CAUPENTER AND? BUILDER Repairing and,- Remodeling CALL WINNETKA 2480 AFTER 6 p. m. --21LTN2-4tp Rock Wool Insulation Estimates Cheerfully Given THE STANDARD LIME & STONE CO. (Factory Brandi) Greenleaf 2856-Berkshire 3870 W. C. Kenning LOUIS SKOLNIK PAIN'TINO & DECORA'rING 15l' rL xperience on 'North Shore Outaside painting. done With pure ma- terials. Beat reèonimendations. Carry comipensation. Appreclate your cali for any anfiount of work. Wiimette 3503. 25LTN4-ltp J. M CJKERT Decorating Service Having served, the North Shore for 20 years we have established a reputation for better quality work.-at moderate cost. 5524 Broadway, Chgo. Res. Wil. 1199 - 25LTNZ-4tc Expert Deéorating PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, CAL- . ciniining, washing, etc., done neat and elean. Rëljable and prompt service. Good workmanship at reas. cost. Quality ma- terial used only. Est. Furn. Refer. joseph Zack Wil. 1925 25LTN~l-4tp - Paint Your House Now WE SPECIAIZE IN 0OU T 1D E painting only, that's why we can fur- nlsh the lowest possible rate. Also ihingle staining. Wlnnetka 58, or eves., Residence phone Highland Park 2851., 25L.T1N2-4tp DUR~KOQP DECORATJINQ SERVICE, Wlnnetka 710 Sheldrake 5132 25LTN45-tfc Painting and Decorating INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Cali Wlnnetka 3669 for estirnates.- 25LTN2-4tp 39 HMan.amMAn Unmbo Mnimcra 43 PLANTS ANDoSULUS PLANTS Flower and Vegetable 813 Hibbard Road Psenicka's Green House. 43LTNq2-dtp et LAND$CAPz SERVICE. LANDSCAPING Established 22 yrs. on the. North Shore Wm. J... Bucher .&'Sons Complete Maintenance service Expert, lawn work. PLANTS, FERTILIZtR, DRIVEWAYS 550 Provident Winnetka 3612 52LTN1-4tc COMPLETE GARDJEN SERVICE 14 YRS. ON THE NORTH SHORE. E STI1M AT ES. EVERGREENS, S H R U B S AND FERTILIZERS. WINNETKA 3858. 52LTN46-tfc. 83 LAUNDRY 1H EXPERIENCED WHITE LADY WiIl Do Laundry at Home Fl CALL FOR AND DELI VER Onort GLENCOE 555 Nrh 53L4-ltp _LAUNDRY 44 iN orwegian flIkfloufUs PUIPPIES FOR SALE. BORN MARCH. 2.Finest'-qitality. and breeding- both sides, hnported reglstèred .blue ribbon strain.. Mrs. Robert .O. Law, Jr., 1230 Waukegan Road., ake, Forest. IILTPN4-ltP FOR SALE. PEDIGREED ENGLISH Springer puppies; whelped Mar,. 21. 2 ,biack and white, liver and white. Eligible Dfor resitratin. 1J.H., Noyes, 644 East Dept.Lke Foest. ÎiII 11LTN-ltp BEAUTTI FUL, SPRINGER SPANIEL I)ups~ for sale cheapý. Good home for theni important. W%'rite* A-2. Box 60. Wiinette, 111. liLTN4-ltc PrZ' PES OAfDE[D Linhenhof Training .Sehools ANýD I3OARDING KENNELS fo)r ail breeds. PriVate in and outdoor runs. Air-conditioned kenniels. Personal care. My. aîii \I,,s. Xii Shee Waukegan Rtd. nt Winnetka Ave. Glenview 270. 12LTN4-4te BL.AC~K H-ALL l DOGS 'ns -COMPETENT WOMAN iaundry or housework Lakeview 4992, reverse Must b j ana LwatV and-àfor 35 ytms.expe'! Broken lensek 8041-Elm. St. THE. SERVICE PAGEi j I ý 1 à .1