i FOOLS EANKER IJohn Litel hasn't fooled thestudio 1 gateman yet, with the makeupý he's Iusing . in Valley of the Giants," !ut Ia banker friend he's knôwn for twen- Jty years visited him yesterday andi failed to recognize him. the road is:,ûpený, té Bartelme 's YouIll haveno trouble reaching Bartelm' while repairs are being made to Dundee Road from Skokie Bouevard west, Drive out fo r ade- liejous steak or chicken dinner. Noon luncheon. Bartelme 'S WAUKEGAN ROAD AT NORTH1HROOK Unexcelled food ince 1882 SC, CaI ivaiiy a 3--------------------- int0 a natural color dramna. A mini- mumi of changes, are made in the, original version. Briagieg 'Up Baby. (RKO-Radio.) Katharine' Hepburn, Cary Grant, ..May Rob son,~ C h a nlie Ruggles, Walt.er Catlett, Fritz Peld, Asta tfhie "Thini Man." This is es- sentially a* c o mi - edy, .with 'M is s Hepburn -.revealed as a coxnedienne, more in Une. with, her "Stage Door"* rote than in one of her heavier parts. It s eemnis that shes a rlc'h MyRb heireas. out after a Rbo a mian, when she runs across Mr. Grant, shy museum worker. Kat's. aunt is rich, too. and eccentric, and wants to give away a million dollars. What she loses, Ihow- ever, is "Baby," the lovable leopard. .ast: Deanna Bob Il *who Deanna Durbin Gail Patrick. rbPrt M ar- s t ar , %vhoto keep an illusion of youth. sends her dauighter to a boa rd ilig schiool. ini Swit- zerland. D ea n- na's fathier is dead. and she ini- v eniits an ti- Your favp«M brnd p.mptlY Onu BEN- BRICKSON wiluette 4092