urday, june 25, as her wedding day. She will bernarried at the home of ber"pare.nts by the Rev. George D. Allison'of the First Baptist .church .to Kenneth. Wade Chapman of Oak Park, the son of Mrs. Kennéth Floyd, Chapman of Norfolk, Va. The ceremony will be followed'by a reception. gf'ioincidence -the wedding wilI take place on the wedding ann i- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, and also on Mrs. Chapman's wedding ail-- niversary. The bride will have two attendants, Mrs. Richard W. Branigar of Ev- anston as ýmatron of honor, and Miss following, concludes the enter- taining in honor of Miss Gerald- mne Handley of. Chicago, who will become-thebride of joseph L. .Budlong, son of :Mr. and Mrs. joseph J., Budlong of 413 Central aveniue,. WMilmette,' Sat- urday night. Tonight, (Thursday) the bride's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam C. Handley. are holding open house at their borne in Chicago after 8o'clock.' in December pre-'wedding festiv- ity began with luncheon and 'miscel- laneous, shower: at which Mr$. Law-, renc e Paine of Winnetka was host- ess. On May' 15, Mrs. Dick Walker of Chicago gave an evening bridge ,'artv and k1tcihe.n shwer fnr--Miss and book shower was given n iii honor of Miss Handley rBudlong by Miss Elizabeth The parties' bon6ring the bride commenced on Saturday, May 21, when Mrs..Percy Myers'of Evanston entertained at a tea and. kitchen shower. Saturday of this week, Mrs. Frank Grimes of Evanston and Mrs. Arthur Nolte will be co-hostesses at luncheon, bridge ,f shôwer given by on May 24, the lui hauid- B. R. iô, aa issAI 4Warie LN. cu rxi ilworth and Miss Letitia Bear of Ev- anston wiIl be co-hostesses a littie later at an affair for which the date has not yet been set. Miss Eleanor Winter, the maid of honor, is to entertain at dinner and dancing, and the date for this party is still to be decided upon. Mrs. Branigar, the matron of of Chi 7vas cei aild u and i The wedding ceremony Wili be per- formed by, the- Rev. Amos Thorn- burg of the Wilmette Parish Method- ist church at Shawnee Country club. at 8:30 o'clock. Wilmette Gives Luncheon WILMETTE LIFER I 'i