The >residency of Betà chaptcr of AlPha Phi at Northwesteret uni- versity has bt'cn con ferred u4pon -W1iii Roscmlary Hickox of Mii- zc'aitkcc, u'ho ha.s also been eleéted' to nicaibership in Mortar Board.. senaior ù,o,,aca't honorary sororit, Elected to Head costumes. Bring the children to en- joy an old fashioned ice cream social such as you yourself attended in your cbildhood," the gitild urges.. : The affair is being sponsored by the junior guild of thé Wilmette Parishi Methodlst Episcopal church. In case of rain the event will be held the following evening. PEACOCI, Welk-Day Dinnes, 75c, Lnch eons, 0 Prlday, .. 193bS-LUcbffO C 0 CaIf's Su;eetbreds and Minced Chiokeli lu CraMi i.*4h h wnedAlmonfde Baked Broiled Fresh pari Lnchovy Butter ak wlth The honor of hE of Alpha Phi at versity %vas recer Miss Rosemary 1 kee, by ber sorc elected to Mort wornen's sororitv- mates, she thus t jaixet Po-wers of1 going chapter pref upon ilwau- Also Miss Stephanie Uay of tEvanstotn, treasurer. Miss Lewis is also presi-' dent of Alpha Lambda Delta, honor- ary freshnan society. Miss Day bas been invited to be a member of Shi- AI, representing Alpha Phi. The thirteeni seniors being gra duat- Speclal Tosfed Fruit'Ci Chilled Tom ig ?otatoeB w Peas SChiffonade . . - 1pil