Tuesday and WedneCsciay, witn daily, sessions f rom 9 until 2Z. and1 a luncheon.hour intervening. The School, .with its corps of speakers well known for their horti-, cultural, botanical, and zoological. achievements and knowledge, is spon- soredby the Garden Club of Illinois and is open to thegera public. A small fee ijs charged. The cpmplete prograM is as fol-, lowt: Monday, june 6-, 9 o'clock, openiflg. 9:15, talk by C., E., Godshalk, "Tee Characteristies." 10. :15, "Flower Ancestors," by Mrs. Raymond Watts. il1:15, "Birds That Nest in Illinois," by Mrs. Theron.Colton. s,--ýPruin,"or 'Sys- ,'! class conducted by Textbook, Bergen's 1Guide, "Birds East of Malcolml Balfouir Photo, Amttouticentent has beett mode of the engagement of Miss Rdith Marvi Copiae, daughter cf Daniel J. 'G.yweý, 3,Ow ChstniAvýzuW4, Wilmette, to Jacob R. Pasc hen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Pasehen of Chicago. Sunday aiternoon, june D, wtiuiaag through supper. J. Milton Coulter of Wilrnette, presidentof the class: a'score of years ago, is chairman of the reunion committee, and *Mrs. Frederick L. Seaberg of Glencoe is its co-chairman. Other members are Mrs. Jasper King of Winnetlca and, John Nuveen, Jr., cf Kenilworth. Guests et' Junior Gardien Club's -lower Exhibil Members of the Kenilworth Garden clubwere the guests of honor, Wed- nesday, at the flower show held at the *Kenilworth Union church by the Ken- ilworth Junior Garden club. Ribbonis weeýaade.bype rvteê4in4six Miss' Lucie Dix, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Tomt Dix,, Ž36 Ox- ford road, Kenilu'orth, a sophomore at Connecticut college, Jos bec» dfc,t e d preside>it . f'he jimi or elas Ai~rangerent in a silver con- frtecmn er tainer suitable for a dining roomn table, an arrangement in a sugar bowl, an arrangement for an ca sioaltabean Oriental fora- To Tell College Club of rangement, an arrangement of peo- N wF re nFrE s nies, and an arrangement with any NwFre nFrEs oîî coor redlniatilg.Thomas C. Quackenboss is t tioa.ILI Wednesday-at the saine hour, and ini the saine order, O. M. Schantz will discuss "Unusual Wild Flowers of This Area"; Mrs. Watts, "Flower Relationships"; Mrs. Watts, "Con- tributors to Vour Gai deix"; luncheon; in the afternoon Frank K. Baithis will talk on -Growing Plants With- out Soil," thien the field trips occur, wih"Ientification of Shrubs," or Betsy tBurdu Qi. Vries of Chicago Webster Grov! Hines of Wan jacobs of Hubb; jones of Fargo,1 of Oak Park, !M w, Ind., Jeanne -d Woods, Grethe . D., Virginia Mau ,ry E. Moulton of with Dlr. William Montgomevry Mci'- Govern, but -bis projected trip into the interior of China was canceled because, of the conflict there. Mr. Quackenboss will be the club's guest at dinner preceding his lecture. Wednesday of this week club ni- bers visited the pivate gallery of L. L. Valentine, president, of the Chicago Galleries, and Wednesday of WILMETTJE LIFE I the