Tuesday, june 7, at 1 o'cloCk. The officers unanimously'elected at tbe, May mneetijng, will be installed. They are as, follows : Mrs. ýE. J. Dev- lin,- to continue as president; Mrs. M,. A. Borresen, reelected vice-presi- dent; Dr. Clarissa E. Rainey, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. Louis Becker, recording secretary. The outgoing officers are Mrs. Ernest Kubn, recording, secretary, and Mrs. William -Merkle, cor- responding, secretary. Mrs. William Edmondsi programn chairman, will present -the' following programn: a ýviolin solo' by Martba Boyer Woodhead, accompanied by Clara 'Maas, pianist. Completing the afternoWs entertainment wilI be the appearance of Miss Elyse Joy in "A' Xeporter's Toufr ôt Aferlrl, Miss Joy is called "the hobo re- porter of America," who, it is an- nounced, ini four seasons bas cap- tivated more than 1,500 audiences with ber niew kind of dramatic enter- tainme ut. One critic bias said of bier perd. formance, "For an bour sbe kept them see-sawing between rilicking J. Denman, 21 Linden' avenue, Wilmette, iii give at 'their home from 5, to 8 o'ëlock Sun- day évening for the benefit of the Chicagoý City Opera .unich- Mtay Barron, mezzo soprano of -the; Chicago -City Opera 'company, wil fil thirty minutes of the time aIlotted for the program, singiing first a group of songs of love, second a group of songs of spinig,,aiid coincludinig with a dramatization of the higblights'of Humperdinck's »H an sel and Gretel.7 MNkary Bùnte t% Evanston is to sing three ýnumbers--"Adieux de..Manon," bv -Massene.t, "Mattinata" b:y Leon-, cavallo, and "The Hero," a manuscript by J. Santos which has been. dedicated to the soprano. There will aiso be n4umb~er~s by two ôther m'embers of the opera company whose names have not yet beeni announced. Grace Sei- beriing is to be at the piano. The purpose of these opera club benefits is to raise fids to purchase opera tickets. for music students. tlpon this occasion Mrs. RaIph Heil- man, president of the club, wilI take the nnnortunity of presenting to, the seconu-nAanuiraPI i m *ALWLen g.flfl i of gas and no funds as tbe resuit of a wager witb the mayor of Boston that sbe -could get to Hollywood witbout taking a regular job. She did it with a flare.. En route Miss casion u'hich marks t/he celebration of thte lortfe ce» ter. for u'hose bencefit the dance is given. TA Evani*toj board coopcr*atipifi is. sponsorinzg, the e sum mier affairs. Club Pen ny Social 38 WILMETTE LIFE ntpiess to thte oc- 1t vry of Gads Hi' l l a board, zvith thte onîe amongq carIlt eru. Led airer 1 38 ý