se Maroi Mc Lean Leary., consultant,,Of the. School: and Cam Bureau of Lloyd Hollister Publications,, before you send the children to conducted by Kev. John G. riundey, pgstor of the First. Congregational church, and the Evans Masonic lodge of. Eva nston'. Burial -was -in Rosehili cemnetery, 1Chicago. Surivngare one son, Henry, 189a Elmwood avénue, aànd five daugliters. Laura Speclit and Mrs. Isabel Specht Ohrueth, both, living at home; Jo-- sephine Spechit Feron and Etta Specht Fischer, both of Evanston. and Marguerite. Speclit Miller- of Colorado. Also surviving is ýone brother, Andrew Speclit of Arizona. *Mr. Speclit came to Winmette: in 1871,,fôllbwing the Chicago fire, with his father. Early in lif e he 1ear.ned the plumbing trade, and became a master plumber,. a calIing he follow- ed until his death. The family home at 1136 Greenleaf is one of the. lis- toriplcs of the village. H was the first resident t<, replace the old- tine wôoden sidewalks with concrete. Mr. Specht was a memnber of Fvans Iodge A. F. and A. M., Evanstoja, bis name being inscribed on the roll of honor niaintained for continuous membership for 50 years or more. He was also identified with Ye Olde Towne Foikes organization of Wil- kin fl o!vnaton, and three sons, Walter .of Bos- -,ton, and William and Robert. both, living at home. W. C. Buethe Soon after cm i ng, to America from Germany Mr. Buethe became interested in the, packing induÉtryt and in- 1897 joinedý the Wilson. and company. organization, becomning treasurer in 1909. Fie was recogrîzed as an authority on the. financial end o f the industry to whidh lie devoted' many years of his business career. AT CHURCH SESSION> Dr. George P. Magili, 1011 Lake' avenue, who lias been attending the general assembly of the Presbyterian ehurdch i >Philaelphma this wek planned to return home this Thurs- day. DECORATION DAY GUEST Allen Claar, 1301 Chestnut avenue, spent Decoration Day week-end as Born in Chicago on june 16, 1881, hie stàrted in thefield of. insuranlce at the age of 15, in the o ffice. of his father, the late Henry W. Bush, Whoc was western nrianager of Fi re Asso- ci ation of Philadeiphia. In 1903 lie becamne *special' field agent of the Hartford, Insurance company,lar serving. the sanie company for theb western departmient officés at, Chi-' cago, as examiner. Later for several year.she was in charge of the hazard department. of the Continental Iii-, surance Comnpany of New York. Was Chtarch Leader Mr. Bush was a mnember of -theý Union ýLeague club11, Knightsý, of the Round Table, and the Wilniette Bap- tist churcli, which for many years. lie served as ýa nmember of the board of deacons and trustees. He is survived ly bis *wife, MIrs. ~Sarahl Idà PeÉry Bugsh, wfit fôr niaw years has been an outstancling leader in social, musical, religions and phil- antjiropical wçQrk on the North Shore,, and past president of the Wilmette Wornan's club. Hie is also survived by one sister, Miss Harriet. Frisbie Bush of the Orrington hotel, Evans- ton. Funeral services will be hield at 1 o'clock Friday, at the Wilmnette Bap- tist churchi, with iliterrpent at Kani- Departmeits 'on Our. JYe Are Closingý Our DEAUTY SIIOP On Saturdiiy Evening, Juiie 4th iiiinmarried, - was found dead iii bis roorn in the Olymlpie hotel, 1015 N. Clark street, Ch iéago, Tuesday niorn- ing. The body *was discovercd Iv a mlaid. A coroner's plîysician expressed the opinion that the mnan had beeii dead for about 48 hiours when found, and that death was diw to rat poison taken with suicidaI intcnt. Identifi- 1boys girls' camps and their character, she f