Glericôe amid Miss Ann Roche, forin- M éA~ fWinetka, who now liv es- in Chicago. Ail have maintainied high' averages in .their studies,, and have taken an active part ini campus affairs this year. They wiIl be seniors at Shimùer next year. The* Clough 5isters t ook a promiln- ent« part in -the recent. May fete and pageant, at the college., Miss Con- stance Clough was one of the Ieading figures in the dance pageant, "A Toy Shiop", and Miss Patricia Clough did à% specialty dance numiber. Miss :Roche also had a specialty dance, and en- acted' the> difficuit role of Dopey in the dance ofSnow White and the Seven Dwarf s. On Decoration. Day the Clough sisters took part in the spring Horse show and gymnkhana, a [Villiazm 'W. Cassell, 714 Rose- zlmdavenue, *Wi;ioka, will bc buisiness manager of the "filin ," stn.dent daily ii*espaper of the (*kizer-sit.v of f1imais, during the 1938-30 xear. Appointinent ta titi Il, ilhIst post il, the business staff ci maes lus wa>'k oit the paIper. whcîis k;îown as the zc-rld's 1Waidner. EARN BLOCK M'S Gertrude Galloway of Hubbard, Woods and Jean ýClark of Winnetka, wer e among. the Milis college stu- dents eârming -the blocic M which repres ents participation on ten hall teams during Spring Field week at the college, gynmnasli Visit ta lT e Cin 1 HIATLLCREST FOR'G'RUS Over -quarter century succesul, expert- ente Wlth, junior girls. Âccredlted' prep- eration for 111gh Schooi or Acdm Charmfng home lite free frmm clty l- tractions. Music. Dancig. flramatloe. French. Sports. Convenlent to Chicago., Catalog.SARAH M. DAVISON, Box 4-A., Beaver, Dam, Wisconsin. fru or Cluater! eth grde trg hl1gh sehootlevery boy taught hoW to study. Fuliy Aecredted tolail Colleges. M1odlfiéd ilitàry. Seventy-fourth year. Modern buildings. New lu and swimmning.pool. 85 miles south of Chicago. any time via U. S. Route 45. Cataiog: Col. J. W. BIttIger, minandant, Box W, Onarga. 111. n>PHOTO FINISHING SPI J:Any Rl ilm Devloped (6 or 8 Exp.) ing one 3V, Devoopedof àII good prnd U4for- , -À. ALL WORK GUARANTE Speclol AIuetion *1vn f. Mail Order Work Edward F. Mee Given Gold BasebaiII Award Edward F, Mee, son. of Dr. and Mrs. Lester E. Mee of 1229, Chiest- lunt, avenue, Wilmette was this week .ewarded a gold basebaîl enmhlemn at the University of Rochester ini reco- nition of his outstanding ability 011 H A STL1N GS YMCA CAMPI memoria i u lerest ini geo