20 Yars en the North Shore DBESIGN CONSTRUCTION REMODELING Tree- Surgery Driveways Fia gstone Walks Spraying -Fertilizers SE#.,...lcui forth economic conditions. That story bas been recorded many times on the :pagesý of American bis- j to ry. TeRepublican party, was -credited with'tbe repsonsibility for the economic collapse in 1929 and. the ensuing depression. It was explained over and over aga5n that tbe. collapse ivas brougbt,,about by world and not purely domnestic forces.' Time and again it was pointed out that every *nation in the world suffered1 from the same condition. It was repeatedly empbasized: that tbe party in power did not. havea 'orkabIe majority in Congress, It is unnecessarv -to recount the great efforts thus made to6 conince the people that the party ni power in 1929 was not responsible for tbe 4b4i*44 - dprt"ion. t is ualy un- necessary to say that the people could not be satlsfied with the explanation.- The party in power was lheld re- *sponsible and another party was given its .place of. control. 'Puùnp-?rimpdig'Expedient Today the Demovratic party' is in power and a business decline bas set ini. This being an election vear ih is party for which it was, subjected to criticism. . And, in the second place- economi.c conditions abroad have been, steadily. improving in the last, few years. Capital on Sfrike? The explanation Wblch I have beard niost frequently ýin. the courseý of the debates is that " capital is on strike," tha ,t it wventon, strikesimply. and solely tolpuniisb the Adminigtra- tion. That this explanation bas*been acceptable to so me there.-can be -no doubt. Now and then some. con- stituenit writes toexpress bis opinion, about ' capital being.on strike." But it is too abisurd an argument to be convincing, to many. I should like to know. wbat- manu-ý facturer would close down his plant simply to punish some one politician or p9QiticaLparty for policies not to bis liking. It hardly seemis likely that any businessman would sacrifice al possible profits, as well a- continue to pay taxes and overhead on idle property, to realîze some political end. But thatis t-be explanation. that is the ,"1ý938 depression alibi." be said, for th.-; explanation for îcapital is flot o beems to be the pres;ent )n strike but Fer Newv Trier'"S ( To wbatextent the part-, in power on this occasion wiIl be ale to ab- solve Ïtself ini the public mimd of the ____ responsibility for the recent decline ~ in business. reinains to be seen. It mia, succeed. If it does, to the best of niy knowledge it wilI be the flrst time in our. history that. "depression alibis" have ever been convincing to' Lily, 4.j IKVilIwUi L aveniue, i,,Leiiii- worth, have returned to Chicago after~ spending a year abroad, whiere the latter completed a terni at the Newv York Art school in Paris. They came back on the mnaiden voyage of the Niew Amnsterdam, and then spent a week ini Ne.w York and at Harvard university. Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. --Seedv, L t- Artis tic for Our w.tkly là.>.. çu WiImei.ff.561'