The finals, in the spring athletic tests were completed at Howard school last week,: The best per- formers. in each event were as fol- lows: Standing Broad Jumùp Çlass A--John Ratajczyk, NKeil Cur-. ri, ihEdonds. Class B3-Bihl Fanckboner,. Jack Ben-' son, Glus Specht. ('asC-Bih Mackill, Bob Hàrdt, Bob Edenberg. IClass D--Allan Thompson, Don. Mil- lard, Dick Cotton. Clas,. E-JSs.eph R. dke,,Ariiold Hoff- njeyer, Dick Siegel. Class F-Joe Weliter, James Franke, Marc Lipmana. uün,«nBroad .unp Ca A-John Ratajczyk, Bill Wayt, Neil Cui-rie, Clasis B -Bill Fanckboner, Dean Doose, Gus Specht. .Cla s:; C-- Bill Mackifl, Eddie Schmidt, Getne Johriso.n. .. Class D-AlIan TopoJimi Lud- ford, Ken May. Class F-Joe Welter, Marc Lipman, Howard Ebert. Ilgi Jumip Class A-.John Ratajczyk, Bill Wayt, Bill Edmonds., Cla." B-Jack Bensok1, Phil Streif, Ken Kinnear., Ciass C-3i11 Maekill, Ken May, Eddie F'reundlich. Cla ss D -- Jim May, Jirn Ludford, Richard Hender-xon. Class E-Chuck Morrison, Pick Siegel, Bill Niggennieyer. CasF-Joe Welter, Bill Bleser,,Xac ±Sit om nn îîLg-, Charles flider. 50-Yard Da,êi Class A .- Roger Craig, Rodney DA 'AMP Scwger, Ed Gross. D Y 141 Ciams B-Russ Breen, Dudley Claus- U L I EC M ing, James Clarke, William Ca.sterline. Ciass C--Ed. Lake, Phil Cooper, Rich-, Class D-Bob Miller', Warren Hill,.6h Sao .Barties Wood. C'lass E'-Ren Wisehart, Leo Hadley, ue2 -A g.8 Hunter Bettinghaus, Harold Breyn, FredJneO A .2 Fislier, Bud Torrey. witRihrBys ,. JAG Clase ÉF - Malcolm *ftRihr Boy a d i Hotze, Don Lutter. i Bail Tlirow v5 to 14a cars (Ciass A-Rodney §chu-eger, John Luli- din, Frank- Ives. Class'B-Ruissell Breen, Fred Kalinka, Robert. Hildebrand. Cas C' - John Palenske-, 'William Hannah, Ed ýLake., ___K f~I Class D-+Frank Eccee. h ave, Y-oung- Class E-Victor LaFave, Bud Shaw, One mile north of Wheelines fMlakeAeu-Markers.w*11 direct you Tomi Goodrich. claqs F -, Malcolm Swift,, Richard Hot7e, Charles Hoag. D~l J riv ou* ay day or weI. b. glad O PE u U SE 't hvey.. inspect the camp. avenu, carne from Pittsburgh tO Although we have day-camping facililties, Mishi spend the, week-end with her parents, Ilokwa is in reality equipped and. organized as NMr. ajnd Mrs.. E. J. H-offman. M.\iss thoroughly and extensiveWy as any good northern Hoffmnali has been in the South for boarding camp. In fact, our owfl boarding camp the past year and a haif and bas just is quite large. Parents of younger children who recently been transferred to Pits.- wii4h to leave thern in a safe place close bY are MAJOR ACTIVUTIES burgh. very enthusiastic about this phase of our camp. INCLUDE 0O-- 4 partial list of equipmeut ineludes: sleeping Miss Ruth -McCleland, 726 Elni- cabins, thoroughliy screened, with comfrtable Canoeing- Canoe Buld- wood avenue. asocomoe -at hà and. beds for 32. - amper.q.A lare, ing - JHorsemanshlp -1 - Class D-Allan Thompson, Jini Lud- ford, Pick Colton. Class E .- Arnold Hoffrneyer, Dick Siegel, BillI MNatthews. Class F-Joe Welter, HoNvard Ebbert, George DabiCtrom. Ball Throw Class A - John Rata jczyl<, RussehI7 Kusmurtz, Bilil Phillipson. Class B-J ack Benson, Tony Cramn, Gus Specht Class C. -- Bob Edenberg, Eddie Schmnidt, Jim laY. Cla.çýý;D-David Rimmel, Jim Ludford, Miss Heleni Sh avenue is expeci about june M, frci for a summer~ va( is the daughiter of Shiane. -r andi home experienced teachers......... mass., HARRY WORTH HART, Dlrect@r Highlaund Park 2122' Shane C. B. NORTH SHOREIS OWN DAY CAMP -BOYS AND GIRLS