MOTORSý NORTH SHORE MODEL SHOP 1 124 Central Avenus Wilmette OrientalRg should be seen in your home before you buy We Send Them ON APPRO VAL.... NO OBLIGATION L Wilmette's two ff surviviving veterans of the Civil war, Frank A. Alles, 1614 Wilmette avenue (right) and John A. (Daddy) Hood, 106 Sixth steet, were honoôred by fellow titi- :eilS as part of the annual Memorial day observances, 'Monda y of this wveek. Photo of Mr. Hood by Matthew Frances. L'Nurses5 )cnoi ro LUia Commencement J une Il Fortv members of the graduating class of the Evanston Hospital School of Nursing will receiye diplomnas at, the commencement exercises in Pat- ten Mernorial Hall on the evening of the summer home, or smail apart- ment. Folds to take iùp a very small space. An ideal *w.eey b.d. Bed only ............. Glass of '28 Makes -Anniversary Plans WVith an ever increasing nuniber of ânswers to the queries sent out by the conimittee for the tenth reunion of the class of '28 of Northwestern university, coming in to the Liant ad-. mninistration building, the plans for a bigger and better reunion are rap- of the .Crane Technical. High school anston and Frank Rettig are in charge of arrangements for, the din- of Chicago, will give the commence- nradetranet ment address. Tickets are in charge of Mrs., F. P. Thirteen of the graduate nurses Linneman of Evanston and may be wiIl also receive the bachelor of sci- had by calling ber at ber home. enc dereefro NothWsten ni- Walter Koibe of Wilmette is assist- vnestdicatifomng ompweten f theing Airs. Linneman in ticket distri- verstyindcatng cmpltio ofthebution. five-year combined course featured Among the things of interest for I 82 E MERSON ST.