WM. G. MOORE> PRESCRIPTION OPTIClAN IGLAIRE CONFORT IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION SOFT LITIE LENSES Wesley Bowman Photo The choir of the Church of The Holy Conforter, Keniilworth,. w1!t giive a recital of sacred anjd secular mnusic Tucsday evenin.q. lune 7, at g o'clock. at the Kenilworth clueb. The choir-master.. Clare John Thomas, has ar- radait unusutaly i>teresting pro grain. The kev, Leland H-obart Dait- forth, rector' of the. Ch'turch of The Holy Conforter, states that thée funds roised by thÎs. recital wdil be used to defray the cu.rre~nt expcnses of the choir. Mairv Seizer Will MarrylV I a/nv Children WilI St. Joseph's Band Will* Give Concert. Sunday T. M. justus, Mus. M., iWill conduct the St. Joseph sichool band in a series of selections Sunday, june. 5, at 8 o'clock. Sunday'Special BRICK *Peter W. Selz Aiithoniy Streii on Strenski of ( ýe at 10 o'clock june 4, at 'St. Rev. J. A. Neu 0>1 IV.. a of Northfie i' the son y cyshown themselves to be. above the e mo1st average grade school band in cager- r rec- ness and scholarship. The numbers ith ab- on the programi are as follows: t's the. 1, Honor band, Weber. Shore 2. Neptune-Overture, Eisenburg. ýke ad- ?,. Song of pie Rose, Weber. illimig 4.'Starter, Ebble. mmin .5. W"istle Vie You Work, Chur- Ii*u 9flaC& WILMETTU CONFIECTIONERY anld E bride.' tyfli(>lld Scizer. bri rhle- expert instructionl iii "L-ake N ew 4 \v1n p wD of Tr-ier.'" as the highi school pool-onie The band personnel includes the ut- of the largest iii the world-is fa- following: llu te-Clari sse Weeks. nier, riliarly called. cîariinets-.Nrary Wilson, W i1i jni Ille Mr. Jackson lias taulght manv (Coltiiian. Harold Schinitz, Loretta Cic- thoisndsofNoth hoe Pope-clini,. William Maloney. PhilUGilligr thouandsof Nrth horepeo le-'ester Borre, Robert Fiegan. ,,es. Y1111 and older-to becorne go Cornets and Tr.um1yts--JaTnies: Sehl? il i 1 I