Pavlik. Brothers PHONE KENILWORTH 280-420 15LTN31-26tp Furniture Spraying -lso wlcker furniture & refir~ators. We une lacquer-dries hard and Wlunetka 3185 15LTNI-4tp PINkERTON'8 PATROL, QPERÂTED . .by Pinkerton National Detective .Agency, Iue., furnishes uniformed guards 4tnd watchmen for day or night service and for, speciai occasions. Phone your needo to Superior 7567. ý 1SLTN3-4tp WINDO0W WASHING BY- JOR 0OR HOUR. ODD JOBS. ALSO RUBBISH RAULED' ÂWAY. CALL SCOrTY, WILMETTE 4428. 15LTN3.>ltp l"OETIT 8O4U~s B' wflîcilyou naven't i uuic r, uuun io lur LIuLILLVL of th4Se skilled workmen who advertise on this page: THE SERVICE PAGEv-ý a.PAINTINQ AND DECORAàTINS J. M. ECKERT Decorating Service H-aving served the North Shore for 20 years we bave established a reputation for better quality work at moderate cost.' 5524 Broadway, Chgo. Res. Wil. 1199 25LTN3-4tC L~OUIS SKOLNIK PAINTING & DECORATING 15 yrs. experience on North Shore Outside painting doue with pure materiais. Best recommendations. caiI for any amoiut of work. Wilmette 3503 25LTN3-Itp I. SKOLNIK 4a GAUDENING Last CaIl for Perennials > SPECIAL SALE ON SWEÉT WIL- lIam, Gailiardia, Shasta Daisy, Can- te.rbury bell, Pansies. PETUNIAS-ANNUALS ROTOTILLING FLOWER BORDERS PLANTED Gardens located 3 blocks south of Wil- iow R~d. on Skokie Bi1vd. SCHROEDER GARDENS Northfield Cail Winnetka 3945 42LTN2-tfp THE BEST YOT. CAN GIET Ail Varieties AiU Colors 30c dozen 422 l3elleview Pl., Highland Pic. 4255. 42L3-ltp Lee S. Fêeher Winn. 2454 The Village Wood Shop Opp. Wiimette Postoffice, Wilmette 3484 Customn-built furniture. Expert furniture repalrlflg and refinisbing.. Antiques' a speciaity. Caning, ruîthing.' 69LTN62-ý4tp, 71 9AERIK ANP LIP OV 7- 71,DRAPERIESAND SLIP COYEËRS Curtain-7bedsireada - dressing tables MADE TO OREDER. GLENCOE '1419 ?71LTN2-4tc 72 UPHOLSIURINO AND EPAIRB LOCUST UPHOLSTERER. Furniture repairingô -retinishig IBlack-_ CARL1 CAIRPEeTER Repairin ar e iN ow OUTSIDE we eau fur- Es rate. Also 58. r ves. LANDSCAPI1N shed 22 yrs. ou the Ni ii. J. Rucher & Shorel -4tp 1610 PlEïbïklftiNa -^-No , REFINISHING