the former sc-hool, who: is expected "irael orial Day the locals' wilI to better the mark -ini the quarter mile *oGecefrahldygie event fie made when h le took the1 Three hurlers wvere. brbught intÔ event. in the ali-state meet at the Unii- the pastiffe last Sunday by the Wil- v ersity of, Illinois last Satuirdav. iette. Contingent. Hoeder wenlt three Other state'ý champions *who %vi11 timiings, allowing one anîd no r-uns' compete wilI be: Norman Durment- of Marek followed, but was,.reniovedl Highland Park in the low hurdies .afterý lesS than an -iiniig when lie Bolb Reibherg of f. Sterling Morto i was measured, for omie bit and a brace H4igh sçhool, Cicero, in, the half mile, of runs. Huck niext took up the both of 'whomn set. new marks at inounid duties and went eighit iniiniigs, Champaigu;, Bill Williams of, Oak p)ernîitting only three bits and 2 ruiis. Park, pole vault; RZobert McSweeniev Marquardt, Wilmette Ieft fielder, Oak Park,. tied, for first in the hiigh I)aced the home' attack, with a doubl<' jumrp: Jîm MLcFadzean, New Tir and home run. broa jum. sBox score: Tî.d for Second I WILMETTE A.C. ýNILES CENTeR Beides New Trier, Oak Park, M o r- ýaAB R ilMorris,ef 5 0O O ton. and Highland. Pa .r k, the school s. ar, 3b 4 2 0O1Baumann,c "5> O H-. Steffens,2b 3 O 1lG eerots, lb 512 of the league are Evanstoin, Proviso Nvinters,2b 2 O 11 MoeIler,ss 5 0 1 (.Nalvwoodl), and Waukegan. Marqua'rdtIf 5 1 21Burr,3b 5 1 2 ~e re,~y h i~~ Hoff man,c 5 0 0OI. Coritir Champaign to give the school a tie c Ivrl ilc2 with Austini (Chicago) for second Kneiplef 2 O 0IL. Contl,lf 2 O O 1 Iace xwere Brown, third in the higiliR. Steff*fns,cf 321i11lTrauschfjf O0O0 hurdles : arfield, fourth ini the samne Campo ' ss 0 0 0O1Gabel,cf 3 O O event; \[cFadzean, first in the broad Mray,rf 2 0,B0' d 4O jumlp: Sublett, fifth ini the shiot put: C-'.Steffens,ss 3 O0O01 42 4 5 Roberts, tied for fourtlî in the pôle Hoeder,p 1 O O! vaut. are-k,p O O O; ______________Hùck,p 3 i1 1 T. Weller Kimbuill LEAGUE STANDINGS: A . jW L Pet. To select suc/i à resting place for your Ioved ones prior £0 the timeot Sneed *rnd wliile your mnd is free.from additional burdens is to act wisely. MEMORIAL PA RKI Ridge Road and Harison Street Evanston, Illinois PERPETUAL CH University 4266 [ARTER Shore. Interclub T ennis club at a________ meeting held recently at the home' of Ned Brown,' 529 Cedar street, Win- Ilinmois Cl1ub rlans netka. Ray Bartelmann of, Glencoe, a Big Holiday Program Skokie Country club member, was Ths ekensrtn Strdy elected vice-president, and Ned . hsa ekedsatigS2udy Brown was reelected secretary-treas-Ma 8, and continuing through Suin- urer. He plays at Indian Hill club. day and, Monday, the Illinois Coun- Preentat his.metin wee' he entry club will be the scene of one of wkere it s invited Lt W I LM ETT E Sholdroke 1216 bowl is engrav ya nenn yýar, the na.m.