Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1938, p. 50

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of the graduating seniors at Northwestern universit a n d Lake Forest: college. To ,this luncheonl, ,Wbich ivilI .be .at Sha.,%nee Country club in Wil- mette, have been invited ail the aluninae groups of Gamnma Phj Beta in. thé Chficago area wvhich includes the M'est Stbirbani group, the North Side group, the South Side group and the Evening grotip. During, the past year.:theý various groups.have been nakiùg play suits, blanikets, towels, and -other articles,. for the four camps maintained, by Gamma Phi Beta for underprivileged children which are located at Van- couver, B. C., Denver Colo., Buffalo, 'N. -Y., and 'V -a i~Beach Va, and, these donations are to be turned In at this meeting to M.\rs. Hubert Har- dy of 1245 Asbury avenue. Evanstoii. Mrs. Hayes McKinney of 1035 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette who is. president of the North Shore Alum- nae group. wilI preside at the lunch-ý eon and will introduce. 'Mrs. Pat Srnith of 1423 Glenlake avenue, Chi- cago. president of the Chicago aluni- nae of Gammna Phi Beta wvhd will in road, as hostess, Mrs. C. C. Clarke, co-hotess.Link N. Mrs, PaulKeller leader,, Will be entertained by, Mrs. C. O.: Main, 826 Greenwood' avenue with Mrs. W t* . Lanie assisting.. Mrs. Mfillard's Link. D meets with MÈs. Harold Nelson, 815 Elmwood avenue, Mrs. -David Nelson assisting. Link 1. Mrs. Ear C. Carlson, leader, met Tuesdavwith Mfrs. W.ý A. Hartwig. 1700 Walnut avenue, With Mrs. G. N. Lambassisting. Thir DivsiInGve Frank Rothing is opening Successful, May Party lierhomec 'at 711 Linden avenue for. a bridge tea Friday afterniooii, lune A verv successful party wvas giv.cn 3, at 2 o'clock. for inembers of St. W\edniesdav afternoon under auspices, Fai, &g i.7z ,ieparhIiziig on'- 'of the Tird division.'f te o i' Lipden avenue, and their friends. guild of th e Wilmiette. Parish Meth- The event is the first of a .teries of odist chiurch., af the homne of Mrs. wceekîy neighborhood p a r t i e s H-arold Crarv, 8S0 Greenleaf avenîue. plamied throuighout the parisli.' Mrs. Robert W.. Maeser is chair- Mrs. Rot/un9, a cousin of Janet innof the Third division. M.Nrs. Paul Gaynor,i. is a sýingqer, and lias been Rensch ,vas ini cftarge -of table arý- activ'e ini the fine arts departincnt rangements for the dessert bridge, of thec. Woinan's Catholic Clubf of and Mrs. Crarv, as social cliaîian, ItFi/meti-te. ivsassisted bv MIrs. A. C. Christeii- ýen. Mrs. Harrv Kinne. -Nrs. Charles rise or reUeLvI i n cI. UII .asnri f.u. Activities of the oganization for the year. will draw to -a close. with. the annual meeting which will be h'eld Wednesday,,. June 1 at, 10 o'clock at the home of one of the patron-esses!, Mrs. Er- nest. M. Hunt, 142 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth.. Assisting the hostess will, be Mrs. A. Ralph Rettig, Mrs. Arthur.Ander-. seni, Jr., Mrs. James H. Prindie, and Mrs. James Dl Mathews.> Annual re- ports will be presented, and the new officers and the. board, will be. in- stalled. Officers and board members include Mrs. Vilas Johnson,- president; Mrs. A. Ralph Rettig, vice-president; Mrs. Wilford C. Lahman, recording secre- tary y M-rs Raljph M. B*ard, ceore- sponding secretary; Mfrs. Leonard W. Stratton, treasurer; Mrs. Ralph Z. Sorenson, chairman of social service-; Mrs. Eugene E:' Murphy,. sca v ice co-chairman; Mrs. R. O. Brenner, sewing chairnian; Mrs. 0. M. Holen, co-chairman of sewing; Mrs. Paul M. Johnson, publicity chairman; Mrs. H. D. Weigel, hospitality chairman: 'jrant t 119,5 ~ -suury avenue, \\inii- pletka. Mliss Dorothy Somers of 1519 Hinnman avenue, Ev-anston. -and NI.rs. T. Edward Ryan of 151) Fuller lane, \ýVinnetka.* who are co-chairnien of the social conimittee of the North Shore, Alunmae, are in charge of tliiý,. luncheon. HoId May Fefe The 31st annual 'May Fete at Carle- ton, college Nvill occurt Saturdav, May 28, this year and Nwill i douibtedlv, be the miost beauitiful and colorfui thing. of the kind that has yet been Club of Chicago at lier home. 780J dale avenue, Winiietka. The occ -was the animual mieeting and cle of officers. Nlrs. Whitehead, whc beeîî president of the Radcliffe for t vo ears, wvas a recent de] to the Cýonfei'ence of Radcliffe' resentatives. in Camibridge, N on the building of this has already comnenced. Recent contributions made by the group to the childrenî.n- clude sixty- five bathing suits. and another grocery order for five hun- Ared dlollars. ".*OIub IWi WILMETTB LIFE.

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