~The new residenée, is being crected Iby Architect Edward P. Steinberg, at 1510 Tower road. It is two bries and of' frameé and brick veneer con-: struction..Te simated cost is, $15,000.1 .Rýqdenberg, and Cohen arc, the mason tontractors and Ike Ba:ss and company are doing the carpenter work. Permits for alterations and addi- tions were taken out by H. F. FIa-. haven, 452 Sunset road, $125, and C A. Hempbill, 480 Eider Jlanc,$120 A permit for a private garage, oti Ing $0, wais issued to Mirs, John Balmnes, M3 Cherry street. S- ICrowds Flock perennmals I . . . What, a garden that could bel At the first ýhint of spring, there'd bk croc'uses and snowdrops to.tell you about it. Then in May. long before most annuals bloom. ,you'd bave tulipe and delicate, fragrant files of the val- ley. Then a perfect riot. of color, as the peonies and iris burst into flower.. BI me sfor EveryDar juoe would bring big. creanfiy-white Shasta daisies. And. gorgeous bluie- spired larkspur, stretcbing ,to matcb the majestic heigbt of the nearby holly- bocks. July ould be dedicated, -to phlox of almYostevery ronveivable color. And bere. and tiieea clump of crimson and gold gaillardia. And tbrougbout summer and fal ou'd feast your eyes on .the cool glory of tbe gladiolus. Then September -andfl<l athe building operatiotns on the north shore, may be Glencoe's record of the past week where four building per- mits were issued,, tbree of which were for inew residences. One of the peérmits' went to Carl Preising for a two-story brick veneer residence at 1043 Bluff road, costing $15,000. J. H. Melstromn is the archi- t ect and Paul Jensen the mason-coi>- tractor. Ralph X Gros sberg has just taken out a permit for a new two story brick veneer residence designed by Archi-. tect 'Melville Clark Chatten, -at 949 Valley road. T1he Power Construction company of 'Chicago, is the, general tontractor. Estimated cost of tbis iun-. provemnent is $13,500. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Willia ms at ( Crowds of hon tnem from seed-thal nursery is tbe place ioN..u s the carpetiter cotitractor. ýed cost of the improvement is ourth permit was for a porcb ing job at the residence of W. ýn Walter, 500 South avenue, CI1 17 juare TOOI 1AVu Li I UUIIIUj1iirmol. wi111 give Vines- Morning glories, nmoon-' 'olor, and flowers, Japanese hop, climbing nas- ýs. Tt will, turtium, cardinal climbers, cobaea, use con- cyprees vine, balloon vine, scarlet ýat gr,)w-. runner and hvieinth h.ans. the estimated Low Cost is a b room, anda 500 an healthy, 1 mean.