casîon. For hïs signcant attainment of both the Nortb and South ,Poles, for his unique achievement of the f .ornerlyimpregnable eXtreme of the South, which had defeated' al bis predecessors, for his contributions to twenty tbree different sciences,' for -his'efforts as a good will ambassador for peace among governments-in this and in many foreign capitals- Mrs. Charles S. Clark, president, wilI present to the admirai, the Con- ference of Club Presidents and Pre- rram Chairmen Award ýof $500 for DîstngushedSecrvice 'to Hum anity. Ruth Page,,who has been director of ballet for the Chicago City opera, is designing an appropriate dance for ber company on the specially erectied stage of the Grand ballroom. It- %vilI b. the .<cmb dizen and .expression.of the life, the adventure, and the faunia of Antarctica. Mrs. Clark is not telling more than that about it, for the rest .is to be a surprise. Buttshe bas promised Scubert's "Song of Charles Igor Gorin, the young baritone. born in Russia and reared in Austria, who came to America only two yeàrs ago. wa.s at once dis - Mr$. Henry J. Mac farie pd of Winnetka 4s a member of tihe coin- mitiCe inJ charge of ent ertainmient for the annual Gads Hill doue u'hich tis year, will b, held ut Sko hie Country club ,Priday eve- fi9, -ime 10. Tise Winnelka board of Gads Hil Geter, oso o1. tise'douce, Lt laying spetial stress oni port y details this. year becatise of the fnh.forih ttiv.çavréA4IIlbr appear isu a90. Yogur Wk-Dey Dimer, 75c, Lunche.ogus#5k. FrIdoy, May 2.1SSLrfto 0 Iifferent music. and nas already. reach-ed the heighits of perfection of voice. To Chicago, he is a newcomer, having nersung here, ane ihe will remain only a radio voice to us for another year except in this occasion, for fie is so tightly contracted thiat he wilI acceDt no engagemenits for, a year. AirsF. Ki. K. vaj avenue, Evansto Bennett of 3014 ton, are co-cha Al Chi Omega, e'cock, at West- ub. f 2715 Woodbine nd Mrs.. Wayne ix street, Evans- n of the aIT air. inae are invited Frlday. May 20. 1938 Cream of Fresh ABparagus à Fresh Shrlmp Ci Fruit Cocktail Topped, ChUlled Tomato juice DIon.e75c Mushroom Soup a il es of r1vansLuII. ±WJir. -- appoint and announcle ber rts later. evensng