*go%-wn orn by. Miss Eleanr Welles Lippincott. daughter of Mr..an Mrs.. Richard R. Lip-_ pincott, of Wilmette, for ber inarriage Monday afternoon to Chester,,Nelson Goltra, son of- Dr. and Mrs. John Nelson Gol- tra of Evanston. -The dress was .mlade- with .puffed siceves and fuil skirt. Through the shir- ring of the bodice ran t-wo rows of perivvinkle bine ribbon whlicb tied in front. Hejr veil of -tuile. fell from a crest of liles of the vailey, and she carried white t uiips. The ýperiwinkle blue accent ini ber gown was repeated in the dress of periwnkle-lunet tworn 1w ler ,niv attendant. Mrs. Edgar Hili Latham, jr., of Palm Beach, Fia., a cousin. A large picture hat of bois de rose, and a bouquet of spring flowers com- pleted the costumze of the matron of honor. Only the families and a few friends witnessed the ceremony which took place at 4:30 o'clock at the First Me- thodist Episcopal church of Evans- ton. the Rev. Arthur Tr. Clark, assist- friends will attend the borne wedding ýceremony at 8 O'Clock Wednesday eV; nng.Je15 whe-n Miss Kathrvn Ann Ben- son, daughter of Mir. and Màrs. George R. Benson of ý210 mel- rose avenue, KenilWortîi, viIî becomie the' bride of Richard D). Culve r, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard. . Culver ofWs- hampton, N. Y. The cerenlony, wilI be performed by. the, Rev. Leland H. Dan'fàrthi of the Church of the Holy Cofifortr, and will be followed agt 8:-30 o'ciock by a reception: Thé- weather per- nitting, the reception is to be held ini the garden. Miss Benson has chosen as ber matron of honor, Mrs. Edwin WV. Slrns, Jr., of Chicago, and Miss Loise Abrahamson of Chicago wiIi serve as maid of honor. Her four bridesmaids will be Miss eirv:. -,r Ann and A~ reception at the Llppîncott home follwedthe ereion. Inthere-DuBois-The Drake ceollow ied th ce rmny the re ahMis Jeani Keith, dau.hter of Mrs. Corudlia .llieig Keith, 310 Warîu'ik Nirs. LUppincott, wearinig.a naVy bine road, Kciiilzwortls, becanse the bride of Robert N. Preiitits, SOpi of. Mr. anid dress trinirned in pink and bine. and .l!rs. James H. Prepitiss, Si1 1-lui terrace, Winnpetka, at a wveddinig ceremoizy a navv turban mith pink veil. Her- at the CChi urch of the HoIy Coinfortcr oon Satturdai, eve;inpg, MVay 7. A rc- fowers were pink carnations. N- 1r ceLipîso,î folloiced at the Keith home. Ddlicate bie sati i ii place of the' Goltra. miother of the bridegrooni. traditiopn w/ulhtc u'as .orn Ibv the bride, apid ler veil U'as of matchinig tulle: was in flowered chiffon with white Shc aiid lr. Prenttiss motored sonit/ onti teir tc'eddinig trip, anid îill inak' background and wore a corsage of thrhoei ant. anaucrwarker ,otý Chicago, Char-tes Ernst of. Philadelphia and New York, Gilbert Rogers of Cleveland, cousin of the bridegrooni; and Richard Kelly of Toledo. Aiso arnong those who wllcoie froin Out of town for the wedding are the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Richard F. Pui.,.. rimai and ,rs, James A. , and es. 13