president, of the ahumnaé, wjll be in charge.,of the following group that wiIl welcome the guests: ,Miss Irene' C. ilier,,Chicago; Mi8ssjeannette Brennan,, Evanston. Miss Eulalia Barker,ý 1765 Washington avenue,. Miss HAn1offmann. 1922 Wilmette avenue, Miss Mary, Meter, 114 JFourth Street, Miss Vivien Miller,1921 Birch-. Wood avenue, Miss Mary WbitÉ. 821 Ridge -road, and Miss -Rita Weber, 105 Third street, ail of Wilmette. Parents and friends of, the nuns, others also interested ini the welfarc- of the, Sisters ýof Ch ristian-. Charitv, as .w.Il as parents and friends.of theC students, wiii. crowd'the moins of ,Maria ' Immacuata convent 'on this festive occasion to realize a generous fund for the benefit of the aged andi infirm Sisters of the Communntv Ai a . special .Uhildr( vent. -Bussésv conduct the you and return, und( frorn various sel festivities are in ers' club. Amonn i o- c Ray Photo Mils Morgaret Alme 1LooQmis, 803 Greeleéaf avenue, *Glencoe, îs Olle of tept Northzvestcrnii vei-,rsiti' sen- ior zcoomepz sedected by Thefa Sigma Phi, journalismn sorority, as the inost broingnît uwnhers of 'thir (rium. is scheduled as Day at the con- bé chartered to ers 'to Wilmette e care of sisters ;.Plans for the ge of tbe Moti- 9flaffÀuýL s3t i CHIS SLUMBUR SHOP 9 ew* v% DITO- Ilmett ice -at 10,3 Centrail school convenes atj OF nelciin' avenue. 9:45 o'cl( L--ý